
1. 英语考试总结怎么写 一、优点长处 。这次考试哪部分做的好,为什么做的好,好的要继续坚持 。
二、缺点不足 。这才是总结的关键所在 。这次考试哪里考得不好,考得不好的原因在哪?(这部分写的仔细点),在接下来的学习中该怎么解决薄弱环节(这是重点)
【学期末总结怎么写英语】例如 英语一向是我的弱项,这次也一样,成绩甚至更糟,着实令我大吃一惊 。
看了一下试卷,又是听力的地方扣了不少分,的确,这个地方的总是提不上去,老师给我们讲过很多方法 。通过分析,我知道了,原来问题出在自己身上,是自己没有坚持,总是半途而废,听录音的时间也很短 。听力曾被老师称为“最简单的题目”,的确如此,但我却总在这里失分,虽然老师曾不止一次地找我谈话,谆谆地教导了我们一番,以我们的水平,绝对不应该停留在这里止步不前的,我们还有待提高 。
中间部分扣得较少,继续加油 。最严重的则是阅读理解,掌握的词汇量太少,文章读不懂,无法理解大意,做题十分吃力 。平时希望通过阅读一些课外的英语书,来增长知识,却愈看愈糊涂 。对英语单词的掌握反而更加杂乱 。做题不会动脑筋,稍微有一些绕圈子的题,便想不出来了 。平时做作业时也没有做到精益求精,很多语法与单词不懂的也不问不查,就让它堆积在一起,形成了一个大的难题 。
1、词汇量过少,不只是阅读理解做不出来,是作文写得也过于苍白无力,错误不少 。
2、不会动脑筋,有些问题只是在原有的基础上增加了一点难度,便做不出来了 。
3、语法还应记得更加牢固,不可马虎,不仅要牢记笔记,还要灵活运用,学会举一反三 。
偶尔一两次的成功并非自己的真实水平,我要通过自己的努力来证明自己 。下一次的考试,一定要发挥出自己的最佳水平,争取达到满意的成绩,不能再让英语成为“拖后腿”的科目,争取取得最优异的成果 。你改改用吧 。
2. 期末考试总结的英语作文 A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations? Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise. At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn't bear much analysis. To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness. All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure. Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life. Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can't be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields. 。