
1. 什么是催证 什么是催证?催证是指卖方通知或催促国外买方按照合同规定迅速通过开证银行开出信用证,以便卖方能按时交货 。
在实际业务中,由种种原因买方不按合同规定及时开证的情况时有发生,这就需要卖方及时予以催促 。在开证银行开出信用证后.买方才能要求卖方履行其交货义务,所以,买方按时开立信用证是卖方履行合同的前提条件 。
如果买方未按合同规定申请开立信用证,一般的处理方法是发函指出其违约行为,催促立即开证或展延开证期限,要求再勿逾期 。或提出其他相应措施,如适当调整数量、价格、装运期等 。
但对一再拖延催而不复者,经过慎重考虑,可及时作出处理,或宣告撤约,或提出索赔 。对逾期来证,多数是能通融接受的,但根据货源供应等情况,也可以有条件地接受或不予接受,需要双方协商 。
催证函范文 。
2. 信用证 怎么写英文 催证 Dear sirs,
We haven't got any information about the L/Cs by now. According to our contract, you should issue the L/Cs not later than 25th, Nov, pls push this as soon as possible, or we have to cancle this order and you should bear the cost. However, the advising bank should be Bank of China, Shanghai Branch bank, not only Bank of China.
Looking forward your earliest reply.
3. 根据题目说明写一封催证函,要求用英文书写 Oct.28,2009
Dear Joe Brown,
We are pleased to inform you that you have signed back sales contract NO.CTC5682 with us.AndI would draw your attention to the fact that the factory producing plan has a full schedule nearly two months,but we still have not received your covering L/C.We request you to open the relevant L/C immediately,so that we can ship the goods in time.We look forward to receiving your covering L/C soon.
Yours Sincerely,
Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd
Cathy Lee
4. 如何用英文书写一封催证函 Oct. 28, 2009
Dear Joe Brown,
We are in receipt of your returning signed Sales Confirmation No. CTC5682.
However, we regret to inform you that we did not receive your L/C concerning the above contract till today. Our production plan will be tightly arranged nearly two months. To ensure punctual shipment, the early arrival of your L/C will be highly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Nanjing Dechuangweiye Import & Export Co., Ltd
Cathy Lee
5. 单证员应该如何妥当催证 按时开立信用证是买方的一项义务 。
但在实务中,买方由于资金等种种原因,延误开证时间的事时有发生,在下列情况下,卖方应注意向买方发出函电提醒或催促对方开立信用证 。· 在合同规定的期限内,买方未及时开证这一事实已构成违约 。
如卖方不希望中断交易,可在保留索陪权的前提下,催促对方开证 。· 签约日期和履约日期相隔较远应在合同规定开证日之前,去信表示对该笔交易的重视 。
并提醒对方及时开证 。· 卖方货已备妥 。
并打算提前装运 。可去信征求对方同意提前开证 。
· 买方资信欠佳,提前去信提示,有利于督促对方履行合同义务 。
6. 催促开立信用证怎么写以及一份回函 英文邮件格式就可以了 Dear Sir, Due to the quick change cost and Exchane rate, please kindly arrange issue the L/C as soon, better send us draft before formally issue. Acccording to UCP700 Partial Shipment: Allowed Transhipment: Allowed: Date for send documents 21days after shipment大概意思是开船后21天交单) 这个文库有范本的 。
7. 这篇函电怎样写 Dear Andy Burns,
We have received the Sales Confirmations(No.DTC5210), and as stipulation in the Sales Confirmations you will open the L/C before Nov.25th,2008. But now the openning time is overdue,we still don't receive the L/C from your company. Please confirm if there is any problem.