
1. 太阳镇的探长已经对四个嫌疑犯做了笔录 用英语怎么写 Four suspects had been noted by the detective in Sun Town
A man saw David panted and ran along Bright Road at 10p.m. previous night.
昨晚十点有人看见大卫沿着光明路气喘吁吁地跑 。
The girl was sent to the hospital immediately but she died of excessive bleeding eventually.
那个女孩被及时送往医院 , 但终因流血过多而死亡 。
The police interest that did the victim have any enemy.
【仇人的英语怎么写】警察尤其感兴趣的是受害者是否有任何仇人 。
A fierce fighting was must be occured by the murderer and the victim because there was fighting trace in incident place.
现场有打斗过的痕迹 , 死者与凶手一定进行过激烈的搏斗 。
句式上基於句子流畅度 , 我有些用了倒装句
2. 英语翻译注意是翻译断肠迷不是解迷解迷的不要断肠迷下楼来,金钱卜 用女子的口吻写的:下得楼来 , 抛落一枚金钱来占卜我的心事 , 我想问问老天爷 , 我的意中人他在哪里?那可恨的人儿 , 就那么径直走了;口里骂着那个冤家 , 说走就走 , 一走不回.真后悔我当初说错了话 , 只会嘴头要强不懂说句软话.谁对谁错 , 何须再分辨?两个人要分开不须用刀子 , 没人能强迫 , 从此以后不再把那冤家指望 , 万般相思情意一股脑全撇开. 个人见解 , 不知确否? 补充:看清楚了 , 未跳过!“上交”与“下交”出处是“上交不谄 , 下交不渎”.“ 有上交无下交”就是说 , 我只知“不谄” , 不知“不渎” , 所以意译了一下 , 没有跳过. 。