
1. 用英语怎么描写路线 问:Can you tell me the way to 。?
Can you tell me how to go to..?
【路线的英文怎么写】Can you tell me where is the..?
答:Go along this street,and then turn left(right)at the。crrosing.The。is on your 。.
turn left/right 左、右转
go straight 直走
on your left/right 在你左/右手边
you won't miss it 你不会错过的
2. 关于写路线的英语作文怎么写 Failure Is the Mother of Success All of us experience faihtre every now and then. A merchant may fail in his business, a clerk may fail in his duty, and a student may fail in his examination. Failure or the threat of faihtre is something that we have to live with all our lives. Althoug, h some people will avoid failure at all costs, some people welcome it. Failure can be a good teacher. It always teaches us to be better the second time around. As they say, "The more you try, the more you'll succeed." There is some wisdom to be learned from failure. If we can learn to turn a failure to our advantage, we will have learned another secret to success. Failure is the mother of success and success that comes after failure is so sweet. 短文第一段的发展句,以具体事实阐明段首句“我们时而都会经历失败”的中心思想 。
第二段的发展句,说明段首句“有些人欢迎失败”的原因 。第三段讲“从失败中我们可以学到一些智慧”,发展句对此做出进一步阐述,最后扣住全文的主题“失败是成功之母” 。
3. 旅游路线的英文怎么说 tourist route/track/line; travelling route/line; travel line/route旅游路线According to relevant experts 'prediction, booking tickets, rooms, scenic spots and tourist route will become fashionable topics and conscious actions for tourists after SARS time. 据有关专家预测,非典过后,网上订票、订房、订景点、订旅游路线将成为游客时髦的话题和自觉的行动 。
We stayed in a small hotel, well off the tourist track. 我们呆在一家小旅馆里,远离旅游路线 。At the same time, the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River is one of the six golden tourist international line of China. 同时,长江三峡还是中国向国际市场推出的六条黄金旅游线路之一 。
4. 介绍路线的英语作文,急用 If you want to go to the library of our school,as you are now at the school gate,so please go ahead along the road to the first teaching building,turn left at the crossing and go on go straight the road,then you will find the complex building,turn right again and you will see the gym,and the library is just opposite the gym.
5. 通常运输路线英文怎么写 通常运输路线
Usual transport route
过去式:routed; 过去分词:routed; 现在分词:routingrouteing; 复数形式:routes;
1. 路,路途,路线,路程2. (公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线,固定线路 3. 途径;渠道 4. (用于美国干线公路号码前)
1. It takes three hours, whichever route you take.
不论走那条路都要三个小时 。

