
1. 飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的 n. 飞机 , 平面 , 刨子 v. 刨 [ 名词planeness ] [ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ] 例句与用法 1. Let's keep the conversation on a friendly plane. 让我们友好地谈话 。
2. He has planed the plank smooth. 他已把木板刨平 。3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机 。
5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋 。6. The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞 。
2. 写有关天空的 "英语作文"就是 什么在空中 I examinations at the fifth floor, through the half-open window can see the sky, a lonely blue sky, gray sky. I still remember as a child of the sky. A group of children in the reed down, hide and seek, I hid for a long time, I found no one. Therefore, I have lying in the embrace of the reed down and look to the endless sky. Suddenly, the open sky and quiet joy from the "ah - ah -" sound. Then, the huge Yan Zhen will appear in blue on the drawing board. Dayan only a few dozen "human" shape and flew to the South, the vast vault of heaven on all of a sudden put on a peerless dance. Then, a "Yan Zi", followed by a "Yan Zi." I stayed there, unable to move until the night drop Xu, Reed broke down at the end of the mother's voice calling. I am young and I do not know here there is a sad culture. Later, I Famous Ancient, read, "Yan Zhen Jing Han," All of a sudden are Poetic a penetrate to the bone. As a result, I look up to the sky again and again, efforts to find Dayan's shadow. However, I have lost, they are less and less, "Han Jing-Yan Zhen" Famous as the few available。

