
1. 交换英文怎么写 交换的英文:exchange; interchange; swap; permutation; change for 一、interchange 英 [??nt?t?e?nd?] 美 [??nt?rt?e?nd?] vt.互换 , 交换;交替(位置等);使更叠发生;交替发生 vi.交换;相互交换 n.交换 , 交替;互通式立体交叉 , 道路立体枢纽 Interchange of subject and predicate of a proposition. 一个命题的主语和谓语的交换 。
二、exchange 英 [?ks?t?e?nd?] 美 [?ks?t?end?] n.交换;交易所;交易;兑换(率) vt.兑换;交换 , 互换;交换 , 调换 vi.交换 , 替换;进行易货贸易 , 作物物交换;[金融业](货币)交换 , 兑换 The exchange of prisoners took place this morning. 今天早上交换了俘虏 。三、swap 英 [sw?p] 美 [swɑp] n.交换;交换物 , 被掉换者 vi.交换(工作) vt.用…替换 , 把…换成 , 掉换(过来) I swapped my red scarf for her blue one. 我用我的红围巾换了她的蓝围巾 。
四、permutation 英 [?p?:mju?te??n] 美 [?p?:rmju?te??n] n.交换 , (一组事物可能的一种)序列 , 排列 , 排列中的任一组数字或文字 Genetic algorithm of unequal position permutation for nonlinear numerical function optimization 非线性数值函数优化中非等位交换的遗传算法 五、change for 英 [t?eind? f?:] 美 [t?end? f?r] 转车去…;好转[恶化];(把…)换成 ,  (以…)交换 I would not change for thine. 因为你 , 我也不会和它交换 。
2. 物品交换英文怎么说,barter是不是专业词汇 是专业词汇
vt.& vi.
作物物交换 , 以货换货; 拿…进行易货贸易;
易货贸易; 换货 , 实物交易; 交易品 , 互换品; [数]换算法;
进行易货贸易; [贸易]作物物交换; 讨价还价;
物品: article; goods
交换: exchange; swap; interchange;
I1. ncludes sections for dogs , cats , general , stories , pet peeves , and pet health
-包含宠物新闻 , 宠物杂谈 , 物品交换 , 医生在线和比赛报道等 。
2. Auction and item exchange contracts can be searched simultaneously in the available contracts tab
“有效合同”标签下可同时搜索拍卖合同及物品交换合同 。
3. 交换闲置英语作文范文 完整的范文如下: Recently, the phenomenon of stuff exchanging has caused my attention. For me, I am looking forward to getting a watch by giving my computer out. There are two reasons for this exchange. For one thing, this computer, popular-brand and stable, is available at my home.Though it looks old, the softwares and hardwares go well in it. Despite the tiring appearance, it never makes troubles eventually. For another, Never have i worn a watch. On condition that a watch were as profitable as the computer, i would be thankful. Of course, however, i will not accept broken stuff. By the way, anyone who likes my computer reply to me in this way please, and i am happy to tell you every detail about it until you know it completely. 更详细的内容请参考:。

