
1. 向日葵的英文简写怎么写 . sunflower
. . . 61go论坛_主题帖:英语中最美的70个单词。
blue 蓝色
sunflower 向日葵
twinkle 闪烁,闪耀。
【太阳花的英文怎么写】 - 基于121个网页
3. Sunflower Receptacle
. . . 药草词汇 - 词汇 Herbnbsp Rootnb 。。
Sun Euphorbia Herb 泽漆
Sunflower Receptacle 向日葵
Sunset Abelmoschus Root 黄蜀葵。
2. 英语作文太阳花 Sunflower I like flowers so much, there are all kinds of flowers, I like sunflower most. The reason I like it because its name, the name sunflower gives people the impression of hope, sun stands for positive attitude, sunflower tells us we should be full of hope, we can see the sunshine everyday, nothing's gonna upset us 。

