
1. 怎样写英文电子文件的work cited 应该是works cited吧?works cited 和references本质上是一样的 , 英文参考资料的注法有几个 , works cited依据的是MLA. 它与bibliography不大一样 , 请看英文解释: Works Cited is sometimes referred to as References. The terms mean the same thing. Each is an alphabetical list of works cited, or works to which you have made reference. Works Cited is generally used when citing sources using MLA (Modern Language Association) style, while the title References is used when citing sources using APA (American Psychological Association) style. Works Cited and Bibliography are not the same. In Works Cited you only list items you have actually cited. In a Bibliography you list all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually cited the work. Entries in Works Cited, References, or Bibliography are put in alphabetical order by last names of authors, editors, translators, etc. or by first words of titles. 转自:更多详情可以访问以上网站 。
再说一下works cited的格式: Book: Author. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Example: Heller, Nancy G.Why a painting is Like a Pizza: a Guide to Understanding and Enjoying Modern Art. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2002. Note: If both examples, the complete information about the work by Smith would appear in the Works Cited after Smith's name. If you cite more than one work published by Smith you would distinguish the works by including a shortened version of the title: e.g. (Smith, Survey 182). Encyclopedia: Author (if there is one). "Title of Entry". Name of Encyclopedia. Edition. Year of Publication. Example: "Decorative Arts and Furnishings". Encyclopedia Britannica. 15th ed. 2002. Essay, or article, in a book: Author. "Title of Essay or Article." Title of book. Ed. Editor's name. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages. Example: Fewer, David. "Making Available: Existential Inquires." In the Public Interest: The future of Canadian Copyright. Ed. Michael Geist. Toronto: Irwin law, 2005. 267-284. Journal article: Author. "Title of the Article." Name of the Periodical Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Example: Garcia, Mary-Ellen. "Influences of Gypsy Calo on Contemporary Spanish Slang." Hispania 88.4 (2005): 800-812. Newspaper article without an author and from a daily newspaper: "Title of the Article." Name of the Newspaper Date: Pages. Example: "Hong Kong's Dolphins Will tickle You Pink." The Washington Post 4 Nov. 2007: 6. Individual work on the Web: Author. Title. Date on page (if given). Name of Associated Institution (if given). Date of access . Example: Felluga, Dino. Guide to Literary and Critical Theory. 28 Nov. 2003 Purdue University. 6 nov. 2007. Article in an ejournal collection: Author. "Title of the article". Name of the Periodical Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Name of Collection. Date of Access Example: Wetta, Frank and Martin Novelli. "Now a Major Motion Picture: War Films and Hollywood's New Patriotism." The Journal of Military History 67.3 (2003): 861-882. Project Muse. 7 Aug. 2003 Article in a full text article index: Author. "Title of the article". Name of the Periodical Volume. Issue (Year): Pages. Name of the Database. Name of the Service. Name of the Library. Date of access Example: Smith, Robert P. "Risk Management in Undergraduate Engineering Economics Education." Engineering Economist 44.2 (1999): p202-7. Business Source Complete EbSCOhost. Memorial U of Newfoundland, Queen Elizabeth II Lib. 6 Nov. 2007. Dissertation or Thesis: Author. "Title of the Dissertation or Thesis". Diss. Name of University, Year. Example: Sanders, Brenda L. "Discourse and Device. The Power of Strategies of Hildegrad Medicine." Diss. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2003 。
2. 文学翻译解读 这本书目前还没有中文译本 , 我姑且把介绍和目录 翻译下来给你 。
如果你真的很想写论文 , 你可以将这本书发给我 , 有空给你翻译 , 因为目前没有免费的版本 。本书涉及文学解读和阐释性写作的各种关键环节 , 从基本功到高级的文学批评 , 从涉及文学阅读的简单的“人之常情”到复杂的文学解读类论文 , 几乎面面俱到 , 是一本关乎人文训练的有效指南 。