
1. 颐和园英文简介 颐和园英文简介: The Summer Palace, the imperial garden of the Qing Dynasty in China, formerly known as the Qingyi Garden, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers away from the urban area, covering an area of about 290 hectares, adjacent to the Yuanmingyuan. It is a large landscape garden based on Kunming Lake and Longevity Hill, based on the West Lake of Hangzhou and drawing on the design techniques of gardens in the south of the Yangtze River. It is also the most complete imperial palace and imperial court preserved. It is known as the "Royal Garden Museum" and is also a national key tourist attraction. 颐和园中文简介: 颐和园,中国清朝时期皇家园林,前身为清漪园,坐落在北京西郊,距城区15公里,占地约290公顷,与圆明园毗邻 。
它是以昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州西湖为蓝本,汲取江南园林的设计手法而建成的一座大型山水园林,也是保存最完整的一座皇家行宫御苑,被誉为“皇家园林博物馆”,也是国家重点旅游景点 。扩展资料: 颐和园主要景点: 一、苏州街 苏州街又称“买卖街” 。
苏州街是后湖两岸仿江南水乡——苏州而建的买卖街 。清漪园时期岸上有各式店铺,如玉器古玩店、绸缎店、点心铺、茶楼、金银首饰楼等 。
店铺中的店员都是太监、宫女妆扮 。皇帝游幸时开始“营业” 。
后湖岸边的数十处店铺于咸丰十年(1860年)被列强焚毁,1986年重建 。二、万寿山 万寿山属燕山余脉,高58.59米 。
建筑群依山而筑,万寿山前山,以八面三层四重檐的佛香阁为中心,组成巨大的主体建筑群 。从山脚的“云辉玉宇”牌楼,经排云门、二宫门、排云殿、德辉殿、佛香阁,直至山顶的智慧海,形成了一条层层上升的中轴线 。
三、四大部洲 四大部州在万寿山后山中部,是汉藏式的建筑群 。占地2万平方米,因山顺势,就地起阁 。
前有须弥灵境(现为平台),两侧有3米高的经幢,后有寺庙群主体建筑香岩宗印之阁 。四周是象徵佛教世界的四大部洲——东胜身洲、西牛货洲、南赡部洲、北俱卢洲和用不同形式的塔台修建成的八小部洲 。
参考资料来源:百度百科—颐和园 。
2. 我去北京参观了故宫,颐和园的英语怎么写, 我去北京参观了故宫,颐和园
I went to Beijing to visit the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace
How do you write English
I went to Beijing to visit the Palace Museum, the Summer Palace, how to write in English
3. 颐和园的英文简介,有中文翻译 The Summer Palace has been listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Heritage Sites 是“颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录”(UNESCO = 联合国教科文组织列) 。
=============== The Summer Palace=============== The Summer Palace or Yiheyuan (Garden of Nurtured Harmony) is a palace in Beijing, China. The Summer Palace is mainly dominated by Longevity Hill (60 meters high) and the Kunming Lake. It covers an expanse of 2.9 square kilometers, three quarters of which is water. In its compact 70,000 square meters of building space, one finds a variety of palaces, gardens, and other classical-style architectural structures.The Summer Palace started out life as the Garden of Clear Ripples in 1750 (Reign Year 15 of Emperor Qianlong). Artisans reproduced the garden architecture styles of various palaces in China. Kunming Lake was created by extending an existing body of water to imitate the West Lake in Hangzhou. The palace complex suffered two major attacks--during the Anglo-French allied invasion of 1860 (with the Old Summer Palace also ransacked at the same time), and during the Boxer Rebellion, in an attack by the eight allied powers in 1900. The garden survived and was rebuilt in 1886 and 1902. In 1888, it was given the current name, Yihe Yuan. It served as a summer resort for Empress Dowager Cixi, who diverted 30 million taels of silver, said to be originally designated for the Chinese navy (Beiyang Fleet), into the reconstruction and enlargement of the Summer Palace.In December 1998, UNESCO included the Summer Palace on its World Heritage List. It declared the Summer Palace an "outstanding expression of the creative art of Chinese landscape garden design, incorporating the works of humankind and nature in a harmonious whole." It is a popular tourist destination but also serves as a recreational park.Entering from the northern gate, the visitor first comes across Suzhou Street, designed to replicate the scenery of south-eastern China. At the top of Longevity Hill stands Duobao Glazed Pagoda. From the top of the hill one can see Kunming Lake to the south and southwest. The Marble Boat is at the southwest foot of the hill, and the Long Corridor runs east to west along its southern edge. Most of the other notable buildings (17-Arch Bridge, which has over 500 engraved lions) run along the eastern edge of the lake, directly south of the eastern end of the Long Corridor. Other features of the Summer Palace include the Cloud-Dispelling Hall, the Tower of Buddhist Incense and Jade Belt Bridge, and the Garden of Harmonious Interests.The Summer Palace is easily accessible from most parts of Beijing. Head north at Suzhou Bridge on the north-western 3rd Ring Road, north at Sihai Bridge on the north-western 4th Ring Road, or south at the northern 5th Ring Road at the Zhongguancun/Beijing Road exit. Public transportation also reaches the Summer Place. 。