
1. 伤用英文怎么翻译 伤 [shāng] 名词1. (人体或其他物体受到的损害) wound ; injury:例句: a knife wound;刀伤frostbite;冻伤2. (姓氏) a surname:动词1. (伤害) injure; hurt:例句: be knocked down and injured by a car;被汽车撞伤speak bitingly;出口伤人2. (悲伤) be distressed:例句: sad; sorrowful哀伤3. (因过度而感到厌烦) get sick of sth. ; develop an aversion to sth.:例句: He has eaten so many eggs since his childhood that he is fed up with them now.他从小吃鸡蛋吃伤了 。
The child has got sick of eating sweets.这孩子吃糖吃伤了 。4. (妨碍) be harmful to; hinder:例句: involving no major principle; 例句与用法:我若伤了你的感情,那并不是有意的 。
If I hurt your feelings, it was not intentional.去报复那些伤过我旳人 。Retaliates these to injury my person.亲爱的不要再伤我好么?Dear Do not you hurt me? 。
2. 有谁在意我的伤的英语怎么说 And who's to care if I was injured?
injured ['ind??d]
adj. 受伤的;受损害的
care [kε?]
n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑
vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑
vt. 在意;希望或喜欢
[ 过去式cared 过去分词cared 现在分词caring ]
例句: 1.He cared only about his own family.
他只关心自己的家庭 。
2. Do you care if I open the window?
【伤的英文单词怎么写】希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O。