
1. 未来英文怎么写 未来: [ wèi lái ]
1. tomorrow
2. pending
3. future
4. approaching
5. coming
1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来 。
I wish you a very happy future.
2. 我们从过去中学习 , 体验现在 , 展望未来的成功 。
We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future.
3. 我对未来一无所知 。
I know nothing regarding the future.
4. 我们应该展望未来 。
We should look forward to the futurity.
5. 十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来 。
The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.
6. 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦 。
The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities.
7. 我们未来的计划必须与当前的实际相结合 。
Our future plans have to mesh with the present practices.
8. 他对未来感到轻松自在并且充满信心 。
He felt at ease and confident about the future.
2. 计算器的英文单词怎么写 计算器的英文:calculator、calculating machine
英 [?k?lkjule?t?(r)] 美 [?k?lkj??let?]
1、He wonders why the digits on his calculator slope to the right.
他不明白为什么他的计算器上面的数字向右倾斜 。
2、A pocket calculator only works to eight decimal places.
袖珍计算器只能计算到小数点后8位数 。
二、calculating machine
英 [?k?lkj??le?t?? m???i:n] 美 [?k?lkj??let?? m???in]
That calculating machine can be likened to a human brain.
那台计算器好比人脑 。
英 [?k?lkjule?t] 美 [?k?lkj??let]
vt.& vi.计算;估计;打算 , 计划;旨在
vt.预测 , 推测
Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container.
用公式计算容器的容积 。
英 [k?m?pju:t] 美 [k?m?pjut]
v.计算 , 估算;推断;用计算机计算
His failure to compute correctly resulted in an explosion.
由于他计算错误而造成一起爆炸 。
3. 英文怎么写啊 未来: [ wèi lái ]
1. tomorrow
2. pending
3. future
4. approaching
5. coming
<in the future> <aftertime> <futurity> <by-and-by>
1. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来 。
I wish you a very happy future.
2. 我们从过去中学习 , 体验现在 , 展望未来的成功 。
We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future.
3. 我对未来一无所知 。
I know nothing regarding the future.
4. 我们应该展望未来 。
We should look forward to the futurity.
5. 十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来 。
The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.
6. 对未来苦难的了解压抑了目前的喜悦 。
The knowledge of future evils mortified the present felicities.
7. 我们未来的计划必须与当前的实际相结合 。
Our future plans have to mesh with the present practices.
8. 他对未来感到轻松自在并且充满信心 。
He felt at ease and confident about the future.

