
1. 体温英文怎么写 体温 [tǐ wēn] temperature 释义体温: body temperature;temperature;BBT;animal heat 低体温: Hypothermia Hypothermia93 低体温(Hypothermia) 9394 失禁(Incontinence) 降低体温: hypothermia 例句与用法使用与体温一样温度的水 。
Use water that is body temperature.发热:不正常的高体温 。Fever:abnormally high body temperature.体温过低发生在身体无法产生与机体损失相当的热量 。
这种状况常是慢性的 。Hypothermia happens when the body cannot produce as much heat as it loses. The condition comes on slowly 。
2. 他的体温很高用英语单词怎么写 He has a very high temperature.
温度计显示他的体温很高 。
The thermometer shows his temperature to be quite high.
他的体温很高 , 以至于送达卡尔吉利医院的时候已经处于昏迷状态 。医务人员用冰块给他擦拭身体 , 也无法使他的体温降下来 。
His body temperature was so high that when he arrived unconscious at Kalgoorlie hospital, medical staff could not cool his body down, despite giving him an ice bath.
3. 华氏温度、摄氏温度的英语怎么写 华氏温度的英文:degree Fahrenheit、摄氏温度的英语:degree Centigrade
一、degree Fahrenheit
英 [di?ɡri: ?f?r?n?ha?t] 美 [d??ɡri ?f?r?n?ha?t]
1、A rectal temperature reading is generally 1 degree Fahrenheit higher than an oral reading.
直肠温度的读数一般大于口腔温度1华氏度左右 。
2、Sensitive to changes in temperature of two thousandth of a degree fahrenheit.
能感觉到华氏千分之二度的温度变化 。
二、degree Centigrade
1、The freezing point of water is32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degree centigrade.
水的冰点是华氏32度 , 也就摄氏零度 。
2、The heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree centigrade.
一克某物质提高温度一度所需的热 。
一、Kelvin's temperature
T1298 That's your reference point and you want to find out the pressure temperature dependence in an equation.
开尔文 , T1,,298,degrees,Kelvin 。 , 这就是你的参考点 , 你想找出 , 方程对温度和压强的依赖 。
英 [?tempr?t??(r)] 美 [?t?mp?r??t??r,-t?? , ?t?mpr?-]
n.温度;气温;体温;<;口>;发烧 , 高烧
He's in bed with a temperature of 40?.
他卧病在床 , 高烧40摄氏度 。

