
1. 英语作文:日记一则 My Day I often get up at 6:30 , First I have my breakfast at 7:00 o'clock . Then I go to school by bus .School starts at 8:10 .My fast class is English .I always have lunch at school .My first claas is P.E.in the afternoon.After school I play basketball.I go home at 5:00. The early bird catches the worm . Yesterday, I had a really good day! In the morning, I was busy doing my homework.This done, I went to help mom with housework.I was greatly happy seeing mother's smile. In the afternoon, I went to school to attend a conforence discussing who will be the new monitor of our class. I hoped to be chosen, but Tom is the more suitable one, so at last we chose Tom to be the leader. After the conforence, our class went to play basketball.How happy we are! But the more cheerful thing was that all that I had done during the day made sense.I grew up a lot. It was really an unforgettable day! 《提示:可自加First , 首先 Next , 接下来 Then , 然后 Finally , 最后However  , 可是 觉得可以的地方 , 就可以加 , 我感觉加上去的语法 , 不会有严重的错误 , 以上两个例文 , 仅供参仿 , 误“临摹”!O(∩_∩)O~~ 。
2. 一篇写景的英语作文,带翻译,60词 One of my favorite views is to watch the sunset every time to see it, and feeling a lot sunset earth bathed in the afterglow of pink clouds, people strolling through the streets in twos and threes, the evening breeze slowly whisk sendto waves of flowers mixed with the fragrance, the exhilarating feel more magnificent sunset. A touch of crimson sunset photo in the Western Hills, the blue sky Fudong Zhao big chunks of white clouds, they are showing the bright red of the flame in the sunset shine if you look carefully, you will see that cloud floc in the air flowing, just like being in a veil like the dream-like, make you away from the troubles of the troubled.
翻译:我最喜欢的一个景观是看日落 。每一次看到它 , 我就感觉我沐浴在落日彩霞的余辉中 , 人们漫步在三三两两的街道 , 晚风徐徐混合着香味送给波浪 , 壮丽的日落更有种令人振奋的感觉 。一抹绯红的夕阳照在西山 , 蔚蓝的天空浮动着大块大块的白云 。在夕阳的照耀下的火焰明亮的红色中 , 如果你仔细看 , 你会看到云絮在空中飘动 , 就像被一层面纱像梦一样 , 让你远离烦恼的困扰 。
3. 英语作文:关于你的一天的日记 At seven o'clock .I brush my teeth . At eight o'clock I eat my breakfast. At nine o' clock. I play basketball with my friends. At ten o'clock. I do my homework and watch TV. At elever o'clock. I eat my lunch. At fourteen o'clock to six o'clock I go to the action movie with my borther. At eight o'clock I eat my dinner . At twenty o'clock. I go to bed 。
4. 英语的日记作文怎么写 1st,Jan,2008
Today I take a bus to go to the park.I feel very upset.Because it is very crowded in all the buses.I wait and wait,stand beside me is a old man,he looks in poor health.I think he must be over 70.Finaly I can't find a uncrowded bus,so I take the crowded one,and the old man follow me.
The old man and I have to stand in the bus,due to the bus is really full of people. But,what disapointed me,is that there is no one standing up and let the old man sit on his or her seat.What a shame!If I were he or she ,I would let the poor old man sit down!
By chance,we take off the bus at the same place.I walk with him and support him with my hand.I sent him to the hospital,he is going to see his wife who have a cancer and can't walk anymore.I feel pity for his adversity.
5. 英语作文日记格式 日记的第一行 , 要写明年、月、日与星期 , 然后要写明当天的气候状况 , 如果是游记 , 还要写明地点 。