
1. “角色扮演”用英语怎么说 角色扮演 英文:role playing;cosplay 一、role playing v.角色扮演( role play的现在分词 ) 例句:Up to four players can compete in a virtual world of role playing 最多可以有4个玩家在一个虚拟世界中扮演角色互相拼杀 。
二、cosplay n.英文Costume Play的简略写法,一般指利用服装、饰品、道具以及化妆来扮演动漫作品、游戏中的角色 。例句:Acting out a character's nature is part of the fun of cosplay. 表现动漫人物的本性是角色扮演的乐趣之一 。
词汇解析: 一、role 英 [r??l] 美 [rol] n. 角色;任务 二、costume 英 [k?stju?m] 美 [?kɑs?tum] 1、n. 服装,装束;戏装,剧装 2、vt. 给…穿上服装 三、play 英 [ple?] 美 [ple] 1、vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛 2、vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛 3、n. 游戏;比赛;剧本 扩展资料 词语用法: 1、当play后接名词用于演出中作“扮演”解时,一般析为及物动词; 作“假装…玩”解时,常析为系动词 。2、play作“玩,玩耍”解时一般用于儿童,而很少用于成年人 。
当play作“演奏”解时,不用于打击乐器(如锣、鼓等) 。3、play后接表示球类或牌等名词时,其前不加冠词the; 而接乐器时则必须加冠词the,在美式英语中the有时也可以省略 。
当play用于一般现在时时,宾语前不加冠词,表示经常或定期进行某项娱乐或活动 。4、play的进行体可表示按计划或安排即将发生的动作,此时句中一般伴有表示将来时间的状语或特定的上下文 。
2. 角色 用英语怎么写怎么说 charactar
用作名词 (n.)
The boy has a strong character.
这孩子个性很强 。
He is remembered for the nobility of his character.
他因品质高尚而被人怀念 。
We need only keep track of the last marked character.
我们只要记住最后标记的字符 。
I never saw a character so thoroughly hit off .
我从没看见过一个人物被描写得如此淋漓尽致 。
His character is without a blemish.
他在名誉上毫无瑕疵 。
She is responsible for the character part of the hero's devoted mother.
她负责这个主人公的忠诚的母亲的角色部分 。
3. 电脑在生活中扮演着重要的角色,这种英语作文怎么写 Computer, in life plays an important role in, for we are important. It is a neutral dark energy science and technology, we can use it to undertake study, entertainment.It is our helper
电脑,在生活中扮演中重要的角色,对我们为之重要 。它是以中性暗劲的科学技术,我们可以利用它进行学习,娱乐 。它是成为我们的小助手
4. “角色”用英文怎么说 role
role 也作 r?le
A character or part played by a performer.
The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual.
A function or position.See Synonyms at function
功能,职位参见 function
French r?le
法语 r?le
from Old French rolle [roll of parchment (on which an actor's part was written)]
源自 古法语 rolle [羊皮纸卷(上面写着演员的台词)]
from Latin rotula [diminutive of] rota [wheel] * see roll
源自 拉丁语 rotula [] rota的小后缀 [车轮] *参见 roll
Considering the various great roles in the theater, such as Hamlet or Lear, or the various roles we play, such as parent or teacher, employer or employee, it is difficult to think back to a time in the history of the word role when none of these important associations was present. Role, which is first recorded in English in 1606, came to us from French with the sense “a part one has to play.” Obviously the development of the sense familiar to us had already occurred in French, where the word r?le in its earlier history (Old French rolle ) had meant “a roll, as of parchment,” particularly with reference to a manuscript roll. The word could also mean “a legal document” or “a list or register.” From such use it also came to refer to the text from which an actor learned a part. This use brought the word into the world of the theater where it has played an important role ever since.