
1. 上舞蹈课用英文怎么写 上舞蹈课的英文 1.have a dance class 2.take a dance lesson 短语 去上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lessons ; Go to the dance lessons ; Go to the dance classes ; Go to dance class 我现在去上舞蹈课 I go to dance class 我马上去上舞蹈课 I'll go to dance class 扩展资料双语例句 乔治娅决定安排他们上舞蹈课 , 作为送给他们的圣诞礼物 。
Georgia decided to give them dance lessons as a Christmas gift. 不管此刻的你居住在哪个国家 , 你都可以飞越位于委内瑞拉的世界第一大瀑布 , 到日本学习国际贸易 , 去法国研究艺术 , 或是到非洲的加纳去上舞蹈课 。No matter what country you live in, you can fly over the world's highest waterfalls in Venezuela, learn world trade in Japan, study art in France, or take dancing lessons in Ghana. 她还补充道:“下班后花上20分钟 , 不管你是给朋友打电话还是去喝上一杯 , 或是去健身房 , 再者去上舞蹈课 , 所有这些都会让你感觉更好的 。”
She added: 'Whether it's taking 20 minutes to call a friend or go for a drink after work, go to the gym, take a dance class. All of those things make you feel better 。. 。
2. 上舞蹈课用英文怎么写 上舞蹈课的英文
1.have a dance class
2.take a dance lesson
去上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lessons ; Go to the dance lessons ; Go to the dance classes ; Go to dance class
我现在去上舞蹈课 I go to dance class
我马上去上舞蹈课 I'll go to dance class
乔治娅决定安排他们上舞蹈课 , 作为送给他们的圣诞礼物 。
Georgia decided to give them dance lessons as a Christmas gift.
不管此刻的你居住在哪个国家 , 你都可以飞越位于委内瑞拉的世界第一大瀑布 , 到日本学习国际贸易 , 去法国研究艺术 , 或是到非洲的加纳去上舞蹈课 。
No matter what country you live in, you can fly over the world's highest waterfalls in Venezuela, learn world trade in Japan, study art in France, or take dancing lessons in Ghana.
她还补充道:“下班后花上20分钟 , 不管你是给朋友打电话还是去喝上一杯 , 或是去健身房 , 再者去上舞蹈课 , 所有这些都会让你感觉更好的 。”
She added: 'Whether it's taking 20 minutes to call a friend or go for a drink after work, go to the gym, take a dance class. All of those things make you feel better.

