段首句作文怎么写( 二 )

3. 语文老师让写作文,必须有段首句 我忘了什么是段首 我的校园是一个美丽的地方,不论春、夏、秋,还是冬,都是我们的乐园 。
春天,幼苗抽出了新的枝条,长出了嫩绿的叶子 。花儿们都赶来了聚会 。迎春花绽放开了它美丽的笑脸,兰花梳着自己的小辫子,玫瑰花儿也急匆匆地赶来 。百花齐放、十分艳丽 。一条条鱼儿跃出水面,在阳光的照耀下,闪闪发光,闪烁着迷离的光点 。
夏天,一棵棵小树苗已经长成了一棵棵茁壮的大树 。树叶密密的 。早晨,太阳从东方升起,阳光像利剑一样穿过来,却总也穿不破 。同学们有的在树阴下看书,有的在跳绳 。树阴下还长着一丛野花,有红的、蓝的、黄的、绿的……真像一道彩虹,引来一群群蜜蜂和蝴蝶 。
4. 以“我的老师上课幽默有趣”为段首句,写一篇作文 奶奶有着一头乌黑光亮的头发,头发们可调皮了,一会儿把自己染成白色,一会儿把自己染成土黄色,她的眼睛大大的,炯炯有神 。尽管脸上有皱纹,但我就觉得奶奶很“年轻”,很慈祥,很可爱 。耳朵大大的,像佛耳朵 。身体胖胖的,肥肥的,就像一个胖胖、肥肥的企鹅,走路也很像企鹅,一拐一拐的 。
有一次,我和奶奶一起下楼去买东西 。奶奶一拐一拐的走下楼梯,走路很像企鹅也像鸭子,一扭一扭的,走着台阶 。“哈哈!奶奶你走路可真好玩!”我不由自主地笑了起来 。
“是真的吗?我还不知道嘞!呵呵!”奶奶说着,又一拐一拐地走起路来 。
奶奶真可爱,真慈祥 。记得有一次,我其中数学考差了——只考了88分 。我回到家里,怕被奶奶骂就不让爷爷告诉奶奶 。可爷爷嘴巴就是憋不住,我让他小声点儿,可他偏不听大惊小怪的 。最后被奶奶听到了,奶奶把我叫进屋里 。我以为奶奶会骂我,可是没有 。
“奶奶知道你不是不会做,而是不仔细,做的慢,你做的慢是不是想每道题目都对可是又不仔细,对吧?以后仔细、细心,不要马虎,动作再快点儿就行了 。计时什么时候把作业写完,如果超过了2小时半,就得罚抄书30遍!懂了吗?”
这就是我的奶奶,一个慈祥、可爱 。。的奶奶,我爱她!
5. 关于幸福的满分作文段首句 幸福是一种感觉,它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态,幸福的特征就是心灵的平静,所谓知足者常乐就是这个道理 。
幸福就是人们的渴求在被得到满足或部分被得到满足时的感觉,是一种精神上的愉悦 。人们获得的幸福感都是暂时性的,就像不幸一样,随着时间的流逝,幸福感以及不幸感都会逐渐淡化的,所以,我们如果想继续拥有幸福,想过幸福的生活,就必须去不断地满足更多的渴求 。
人们得到一个幸福后,那么人们对同一个或同一类幸福的渴求度就会递减,当人们再次获得这个或这类时幸福时的幸福感就会逐渐递减,当达到足够多的N次时,渴求度会变为零,幸福感也就变为零了 。当你实现一个愿望、达到一个目的、爱一个人、被人爱、一时的心情愉悦、快乐等等都属于幸福 。
幸福没有距离、没有标准,幸福是一种感觉 。当你心满意足时,就是幸福 。
知足常乐能使幸福保鲜 。
6. 请问雅思大作文的五段式首句怎么写 Motorized flight is a great invention in the modern world,no other invention had has a significant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. 提问者: 匿名significant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hoursignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For exsignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by trasignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that mosignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive thesignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by significant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by trsignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, significant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. Butsignificant impact on our lives. Do you agree or disagree with it.The first reason is that motorized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. , in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. ain. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. destination. torized flight can save time in long-term travel during our life. For example, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. in. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. ample, in the past, form Harbin to Beijing , it cost 16 hours by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. s by train. But, in contrast, now by air, only 2 hours can we arrive the destination. 。