
1. 奶奶用英文怎么写 “奶奶”英文写法:grandma 或者 grandmother 。
奶奶 grandmother
例:他是由他奶奶带大的 。
He was brought up by his grandmother.
例:我奶奶送给我们一些苹果酱 。
My gran's given us some apple jam.
爷爷 grandfather
例:我和爷爷很亲 。
I had a close relationship with my grandfather.
2. 奶奶的英文怎么写 grandmother或grandma
1.我奶奶和外婆都是孤寡一人 。
My grandmothers are both widows.
2.他是由他奶奶带大的 。
He was brought up by his grandmother.
3.我奶奶送给我们一些苹果酱 。
My gran's given us some apple jam.
4.我是奶奶带大的 。
I was brought up by my nan.
5.奶奶很吃惊,我想还有点儿生气,因为所有这些安排都没有告诉过她 。
Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it had all been arranged without her knowledge
6.她养成了进来和克拉布特里奶奶一起喝茶的习惯 。
She made a habit of coming in to take tea with Nanny Crabtree
7.他小时候夏天都是和爷爷奶奶一起度过的 。
He used to spend childhood summers with his grandparents.
8.她离家出走后到巴斯与奶奶同住 。
She had walked out and gone to live in Bath with her granny.
9.奶奶提出抗议,但他辱骂她并把她粗暴地推到一旁 。
Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside
10.她朝奶奶无可奈何地瞟了一眼 。
She cast a wry glance in her grandmother's direction.
11.老奶奶叨絮不休,不过我们还是耐心地听着 。
The old granny talked endlessly, but we listened to her with great patience.
12.马尔科姆鼓起勇气请罗丝奶奶帮点忙 。
Malcolm worked up the nerve to ask Grandma Rose for some help.
13.不幸的是,奶奶好像总是醒来的不是时候 。
Unfortunately, Grandma always seems to awaken at awkward moments
14.她奶奶有逗人开心的本事 。
Her grandmother had the gift of making people happy.
15.奶奶不太像奶奶——倒像是来自故乡的母老虎,她已经几十年没有露出过笑脸了 。
Grandma is something else — a battle-axe from the old country who hasn't smiled in decades.
3. 写我的奶奶的英文作文 My grandmother is my favourite person.She likes leading a simple life. And she like wearing clothes which are made by herself. She takes a walk outside every day, so she is familiar with many people.She is so experienced in looking after babies, so some young mothers who have problems would like to ask her for help. My grandmother is always ready to help them. 请参考一下 。
我的奶奶是我旦长测短爻的诧痊超花最喜欢的人 。她喜欢过简单的生活 。
她喜欢穿她自己做的衣服 。她每天都在外面散步,所以许多人熟悉她 。
她在照顾孩子上很有经验,所以一些年轻的母亲有问题想请她帮忙 。我的祖母总是乐于助人 。