
In 1990, Wu Jiayin was born in a small seaside county in Shantou, Guangdong.
1990年 , 吴嘉茵出生在广东汕头的一个海边小县城 。
Influenced by her father, Wu Shengyuan, a well-known painter of the Lingnan School of Painting, she began practicing calligraphy and painting at an early age.
因受到父亲吴盛源的影响 , 写字画画一路伴随着她的成长 。

【吴嘉茵|【中英双语】90后美女博士立志传承路上描绘新色彩】After four years of study in Chinese, Wu Jiayin enrolled in a master’s degree in art and aesthetics at Jinan University. After graduating with her master’s degree, Wu chose to go to Sun Yat-sen University for her doctoral studies, while starting a painting and calligraphy studio to pass on what she had learned to her students in a modern way.
在中文系读了4年书后 , 吴嘉茵考上暨南大学艺术美学硕士 , 硕士毕业后吴嘉茵又选择去中山大学读博士 , 同时和妹妹一起创办书画艺术工作室 , 将自己学到的知识 , 用现代的方式传授给学生们 。
When it comes to inheriting traditional culture, Wu Jiayin believes that the young generation needs to keep creating new colors, because innovation is not only the essence of Lingnan School of Painting, but also the core of the inheriting spirit.
提起对传承优秀传统文化理解 , 吴嘉茵认为 , 青年一代需不断创造新色彩 , 因为创新不仅是岭南画派的精髓 , 也是传承精神的核心 。 点击查看原文>>>
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来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吕航