
1. 仍然 用英文怎么说 stillad. 副词还 ,  仍旧Her grandmother is still living. 她祖母仍然健在 。
They are still working in the fields. 他们还在田里工作 。尽管如此 ,  然而; (虽然 。)
还是He is good-natured, still I don't like him. 他脾气很好 ,  可是我还是不喜欢他 。(强调比较级)还要 ,  更It's hot today, but it'll be still hotter tomorrow. 今天很热 ,  但明天会更热 。
The sick child looks still worse today than yesterday. 那个病童的情况今天看起来比昨天更不妙 。还有a. 形容词静止的 ,  不动的[F]The little girl kept still in her chair watching TV. 小女孩一动不动地坐在椅子上看电视 。
【英文单词仍然怎么写】没有风的寂静的; 静默的; 平静的The lake is still today. 今天湖水十分平静 。(酒)不起泡的 ,  不含气体的[B]vt. 及物动词【书】使平静; 使静止 ,  止住The local government did everything in its power to still the storm. 当地政府尽一切努力平息这场风潮 。
vi. 不及物动词【书】静止; 平静n. 名词(电影的)单张剧照; 静物摄影照片[C]【口】静物画[C]【书】寂静[the S][(+of)]Someone stole into his room in the still of night. 夜深人静时有人偷偷溜进了他的房间 。conj.然而 ,  但是; 尽管如此He is good-natured, but I still don't like him. 他脾气很好 ,  可是我仍然不喜欢他 。
2. 英语1到100的全部单词怎么写 1 one
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100 one hundred 谢谢采纳
3. “好的”英文单词怎么写 good
adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的
The piano was in good condition.
这台钢琴状况良好 。