英文索赔信怎么写( 二 )

4. 英文分手信怎么写 Dear _____:(这个空格填入你要分手对象的名字)
I wanted to call you and talk to you,but I thought it would be better to write you a letter. I don`t think we should be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. I really like you, but there is a guy ____(新欢的名字) that I like more. You are really a nice person, but sometimes you make me very angry. You also smoke, which I think is really a dirty habit. I asked you to stop, but you would just laugh. Whenever I kissed you, I hated the way your breath smelled.
The new guy that I like is really smart and a lot of fun to be around. He makes me laugh. Unlike you, he is always interested in what I have to say. I`m sorry that we have to break up, but I think it will be for the best. I will miss you. I hope we can still be friends.
(右边空格是你的名字) -------
英文分手信也叫DearJohn Letter ,  下面是一首歌 ,  就叫A DearJohn Letter ,  你也可以参考一下喔~
Dear John, Oh, how I hate to write
Dear John, I must let you know tonight
That my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn
And tonight I wed another, Dear John.
I was overseas in battle when the postman came to me
And he handed me a letter, I was happy as I could be
As the fighting was all over and the battle had been won
Then I opened up the letter and it started, "Dear John."
Dear John, Oh, how I hate to write
Dear John, I must let you know tonight
That my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn
And tonight I wed another, Dear John.
Will you please send back my picture, my husband wants it now
When I tell you who I'm wedding, you won't care, dear, anyhow
Now the ceremony has started and I'll wed your brother Don
Will you wish us happiness forever, Dear John?
5. 如图,求助,索赔信和理赔信怎么写啊 1、甲与乙两公司签订合同 , 乙方向甲方供应花生油15吨 , 符合国家标准 , 每桶5千克 , 2005年6月5日前交货 , 但乙方推迟至9月10日才交货 , 此后零售价每千克已降低1元 , 给甲方带来损失 , 同时 , 部分产品包32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431353939装出现瑕疵 , 生产日期标准离保质期仅半年 , 请代甲方写索赔函 。
? 2、以上题的索赔函为依据 , 以乙的身份写一份理赔函 , 指明未能按时交货是由于西南地区重大洪涝灾害所致 , 产品包装愿作降价促销 。索赔信尊敬的XX公司负责人:您好!就贵公司推迟交货造成我公司损失一事 , 我公司决定郑重向您及贵公司提出申诉索赔 , 意在通过我们双方协商的办法来解决该事件:具体申诉项目及理由如下:2005年我方与你方签订合同 , 由你方向我方供应15吨符合国家标准的花生油 , 每桶5千克 , 并承诺于2005年6月5日前交货 , 但因你方推迟至9月10日才交货 , 此后零售价每千克已降低1元 , 给我方带来损失 , 同时 , 部分产品包装出现瑕疵 , 生产日期标准离保质期仅半年 。
因该事件造成我公司损失人民币达壹万伍千元 。我公司热切希望贵公司务必在本周内将货款(含利息)人民币壹万伍千元全部寄至或转入我公司帐号 。
并重新换回包装良好 , 保质期一年以上的货品 。特此函达 , 谢谢合作!祝颂商祺!附件:1.合同复印件 。
2油价走势表 。3.XX票据复印件 。
4.产品包装瑕疵图 。5.生产日期标准离保质期仅半年证明图 。