
1. 用英语写10条令人吃惊的事情 The sun rises at nights.
We will all miss from the earth tomorrow.
Your boss will rise your salary today.
You can get money without effort.
You will get $100000000 after your duty.
I am standing in front of you now.
You can not understand Chinese.
All the foreigners must learn chinese form now.
Hoho``,add the frist floor,these are enough.
2. 令人惊讶的,用英语怎么表达正确 令人吃惊的
to one's surprise
surprising [s?r?pra?z??]
adj. 使人惊讶的 ,  令人吃惊的 , 惊人的; 惊人的 , 意外的; 奇怪的 , 不可思议的;
v. 使惊奇 , 使诧异( surprise的现在分词); 意外发现[撞见] , 出其不意获得;
[例句]It is not surprising that children learn to read at different rates
小孩子识字的速度不同 , 这不足为奇 。

