
1. 抓狂,英语该怎么复习好【抓狂的英语怎么写】 不用着急 看自己到底哪不会 建议你把完形填空题放在次位 主抓阅读和写作 这两样拿分快 而完形填空提分太慢 考试时候也最好放在最后做 没时间蒙下也行 英语的基础词汇一定要过关 主要是要能读懂题 剩下的就好办了 阅读题 要掌握英美人写作的特点和篇章结构 这对文章的理解大有帮助 英美人写作的文章篇章布局一般为: 提出问题或者现象————分析问题或者现象—————解决问题或者解释现象产生的原理——————提出解决方案或原因——————问题没解决(不同文章本部分可有可无)把握住这个一般性特点相信对你的阅读有一定帮助 。
写作一样 心中要有一些常用句型 关键之关键对于阅读中的新题型 下次写给你 记住每种题型都有其攻破点 太晚了 今天 先睡觉了 努力把 祝成功 。
2. 英语翻译 That's so kind of you. 你真好Have you ever saw a movie named Front of The Class? 你看过一部电影叫·叫我第一名I had saw it just now and it's a definite good movie. 我刚看过 , 真的是部好电影Having learnt many more things from the film, I saw that film. 我从这电影中学到了很多It really makes me feel that it is no impossible for anyone to prevent them doing anything they want even if they have some incurable diseases.他叫我知道了 , 没有什么可以阻止一个人去做他想做的事 , 即使他们有残缺By the way, how do you want to celebrate your Valentine's Day and I'm so curious to know it. 顺便问下 , 你想怎么庆祝情人节?我很好奇 , 想知道It's a lonely Valentine's Day for me again but it's ok, having got used to it. 我又是一个人过情人节 , 但是 习惯了 。
There is no something insufferable because I still believe that tomorrow is another day just like Scarlett said.没有什么无法忍受 , 让人讨厌的 , 因为我相信明天又是新的一天就像Scarlett说的一样 。Anyway, I'll always be optimistic for my long lifetime.无论如何 , 我会积极的面对每一天 。
Having a nice day. 祝你愉快我够认真的吧!是别人写给你的?你写给人的?再你的基础上改下Have you ever saw a movie named Front of The Class?Have you ever seen/watched a movie named Front of the class?一般现在时 , HAVE+过去分词 。see--saw---seen 所以这里要用Seen.or/watchedI had saw it just now and it's a definite good movie.i Saw it just now.你这里说刚看过 , 看到just now 这个词组了吗 , 典型的一般过去时 。
但是你用了过去完成时所以had saw---sawHaving learnt many more things from the film, I saw that film. 重复了些I have learnt a lot from the film..It really makes me feel that it is no impossible for anyone to prevent them doing anything they want even if they have some incurable diseases.It really makes me feel that Nothing can prevent people doing things that they want to do even if they have some incurable diseases.There is no something insufferable because I still believe that tomorrow is another day just like Scarlett said.Nothing insufferable because i believe tomr is another day.anway i ll be positive/be strong!! 。

