
1.求一些用主语从句写的句子主语从句的时态:不受主句的时态影响和限制 。
(1)That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all.
(2)Whether we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.
(3)Who will be our monitor hasn't been decided yet.
(4) Whom we must study for is a question of great importance.
(5)What caused the accident remains unknown.
(6)Whatever you did is right.
(7)Whose watch was lost is unknown.
(8)What we need is time.
(9)What we need are good doctors.
(1)It is certain that he will win the match.
(2)It is true that he has made a very important discovery in chemistry.
(3)It is very likely that they will hold a meeting.
(4)It is strange that he should do that.
(5)It is important that we all should attend the meeting.
(6)It is strange that the man should have stuck to his silly ideas.
(7)It is a pity that we won't be able to go to the south to spend our summer vacation.
(8)It is still a mystery what caused the accident.
(9)It is said that he has gone to shanghai.(=He is said to have gone to shanghai)
(10)It is known to all that the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese.
(11)It is suggested that the work should be done with great care.
(12)It seems that he has seen the film.(=He seems to have seen the film)
(13)It happened that the two cheats were there. (=The two cheats happened to be there)
2.什么是主语从句,怎么用主语从句,即在复合句中充当主语成分的句子,例如"That he finished writing the composition in such a short time surprised us all",他在很短的时间内写完作文让我们都很惊讶,此复合句主要描述的是某事让我们惊讶,某事就是该复合句的主语,因此“That he finished writing the composition in such a short time”便是该复合句的主语从句 。
从属代词:that whether
连接代词:who whoever whom whose what whatever which whichever
连接副词:when where how why
where he comes from is unknown. 他从哪里来还不清楚 。
i want to know where he comes from. 我想知道他从哪里来 。
the city which i want to visit is Dalian. 我想参观的城市是大连 。
the question is where he comes from? 问题是他从哪儿来 。
4.英语使用主语从句怎么造句It is universally ackonwledged that : 翻译为:(什么什么是普遍公认的,翻译时先翻译that从句) ) 举个例子来说:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us 翻译为:全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的) 这个句型可以用于写作时候比较合适,后面的trees are indispensable to us 是真正主语 2:It goes without saying that :不言而喻,和第一句比较类似 。
用于写作中,eg: It goes without saying that l will marry Qi. 就是后面接上真正主语 。也就是接的一个句子 不过是做主语而已 。
3:As far as I am concerned, I think it is necessary to marry Qi. 就是对我来说,什么事情是必要的 。比如你在写作文的时候,可以说 对我来说 学习是必要的 努力是必要的,相应的换词就可以了 。
4: What impressed me most is 是主语从句: 意思是:什么事情给我留下了深刻影响 。只需要你写一个主句就可以了 。
eg:What impressed me most is his strong will towards difficulties 让我印象最深的是他面对困难时的顽强意志```` 个人意见经供参考 。
5.主语从句有哪些主语从句的定义:主语从句是指在复合句中充当主语的句子,它是名词的拓展,属于主语的第三个表达层次 。所以,主语从句和名词一样通常是出现在谓语动词的前面 。