1.老挝首都 万象的英文名称是VientianeThe capital and largest city of Laos, in the north-central part of the country on the Mekong River and the Thailand border. It became the capital of the French protectorate of Laos in 1899 and later the capital of independent Laos. Population, 210,000 。
2.关于老挝的英语小作文The Lao People's Democratic Republic has a population of 5.6 million (2005), a population growth rate of 2.1%, a sparse population density (23.7 per square kilometre) with large inter-provincial variations, and an average household size of 5.9 persons. The topography breaks into lowland areas along the Mekong River that depend predominantly on paddy rice, and highland areas that depend on upland rice and the gathering of non-timber forest products for livelihoods. The population is young, but there are signs of changes in the demographic structure; the percentage of the population under 15 years of age decreased from 43.6% to 39% between 1995 and 2005. The nation is rural, with the beginnings of a rural-to-urban shift; the percentage of the population living in rural areas decreased from 83% to 72.9% from 1995 to 2005. The latest census identified 47 distinct ethnic groups. The ethnic Lao comprise 52.5% of the total population and predominate in the lowlands, while ethnic minorities predominate in the highlands, although mixing is common. The highlands have more poverty, worse health indicators and fewer services available for multiple reasons, including remoteness, lower education levels, land that is less agriculturally productive and increasing land pressure, and limited rural health care services. Ethnic diversity presents a major challenge in health care delivery and education due to cultural and linguistic barriers. Women have lower literacy rates than men and girls have lower school completion rates. These gaps are accentuated in the rural and highland areas, where the level of poverty is highest. There is some evidence of decreased treatment-seeking behaviour for women when ill.Despite recent efforts, statistics are still relatively weak and major capacity strengthening is still necessary in the area of surveillance data, official statistics collection and vital registration. National health indicators have been improving steadily over the past three decades but, despite the efforts of the national authorities, they remain below international standards, being some of the lowest in the Region. The infant mortality rate declined from 137 to 70 per 1000 live births from 1990 to 2005. Over the same period, the maternal mortality ratio fell from 750 to 405 deaths per 100 000 live births. The crude death rate also declined, from 15.1 to 9.8 deaths per 1000 inhabitants, while the total fertility rate (average number of children per women) fell from 5.6 in 1995 to 4.1 in 2005 and the crude birth rate (number of births per 1000 inhabitants) from 41.3 to 34.3. At the same time, life expectancy at birth rose 10 years in a decade, from 51 years in 1995 to 61 in 2005. Female life expectancy is slightly higher than that of males. Safe water is accessible to 60% of the population and improved sanitation to 48% (2006). 。
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