
1. 六一儿童节用英语怎么写 International Children's Day
n. 国际儿童节(又称儿童节 , 它是为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权 , 抚养权 , 为了改善儿童的生活 , 为了反对虐杀儿童和毒害儿童而设立的节日 。目前世界上许多国家都将6月1日定为儿童的节日 。); 六一国际儿童节;
[例句]When celebrating the international children's day?
2. 写快乐的六一节英语作文五六句话 你好 , 很高兴为你解答 。
Today is Children 'sDay.I am very happy.Father mather and I go to the park.The weather is windy .I like fly a kite. But my father and mather like read books. On the noon. We are go to the restaurant. We are happy!
3. 快乐六一英语作文 光阴似箭 , 日月如梭 , 同学们最期盼的“六一”儿童节终于又来临了 。
今天 , 阳光明媚 。下午一点半 , 我身着节日的盛装 , 迈着欢乐的步伐朝学校走去 。
走到教室门口 , 映入眼帘的是那一条条金光闪闪的彩带 , 美极了! 这次活动的内容五花八门 , 有猜字谜 , 唱歌 , 跳舞 , 跳绳等 。张老师走进教室 , 对大家说:“活动现在开始 。”
我和佳雯闪亮登场一起主持今天的活动 。同学们拿着喷雪花和喷彩带一直往我们头上喷 , 顿时教室里传来一阵阵欢呼声 。
这时 , 教室里响起主持人佳雯洪亮的声音:“今天是我们的节日 , 祝同学们节日快乐 。但我们也要感谢老师 。
请听高若昀为我们带来歌曲《每当走过老师的窗前》 。”我满怀深情放声歌唱 , 同学们报以热烈的掌声 。
【英语欢乐六一怎么写】我开心极了 。最有趣的一项活动是画眼睛 。
佳鸿、展域、彬彬被同学用红领巾蒙住眼睛 , 又转了五圈后 。走到黑板前 , 开始画眼睛 , 还没有画完 , 就传来了震耳的笑声 , 他们连忙摘下红领巾 , 一看 , 原来有的把眼睛画在嘴巴里 , 有的把眼睛画在耳朵旁 , 把同学们逗得前俯后仰 。
活动完以后老师开始给我们分节日礼物 。我看到桌上的牛奶 , 面包 , 饼干 , 馋得口水都要流出来 。
可是 , 一想到昨天的活动“放飞心中的爱” 。我懂得了要学会爱别人 , 爱自己的亲人 。
我准备把这些礼物带回家和奶奶一起分享 。今年 , 我度过了一个愉快的“六一” 。
英文 Time flies, students most looking forward to "" the children's day finally is coming. Today, the sun shines brightly. At 1:30 a.m. my beautiful festival, set the pace of joy and the school. Walk to the door of the classroom, the view is that a glittering ribbons, beautiful! The contents of this activity is multifarious, guess crossword puzzle, singing, dancing, skip. A teacher came into the classroom, say to you: "activity starts right now." I HeJia cloud patterns together today unveiled the activities of the host. Students with a spray snow and spray ribbons have been going we head gush, suddenly the classroom burst from cheers. At this time, the classroom sounded good host voices: a CAM "today is our holiday, we wish all the students a happy holiday. But we also want to thank the teacher. Please listen to high Yun bring us if song" whenever through the teacher window "." I'm filled with deep feeling singing, students with warm applause. I feel wonderful. The most interesting activity is to draw the eye. The good domain is courtesy, exhibition, classmates in the red scarf blindfolded, went after five laps. Go to the blackboard and began to draw the eye, not yet finished, there was shock the laughter of the ear, they immediately took of the red scarf, a look at the picture, the original some eyes in your mouth, and some of the paintings in the ears, eyes by the students make helplessness. Activities after the teacher began to give us points holiday gifts. I see the milk on the table, bread, cookies, chan that saliva will out. But, think of yesterday's activities "flying in the heart of love". I learned to learn to love others, love of their loved ones. I'm going to put these gifts to take home and grandma to share with. This year, I had a pleasant "". 。