
1."歌声"的英文怎么写歌声sound of singing
昂扬的歌声 spirited singing
歌声如潮 the
sound of songs rising and falling like waves
歌声飞扬 。Songs
were floating.; The sound of singing rang out.
歌声越来越高昂 。The
singing is getting more and more spirited.
高亢的歌声 sonorous singing
欢乐的歌声 merry songs
草原上扬起清亮激越的歌声 。Songs were heard ringing loud and clear over
the grasslands.
歌声由远而近 。The
singing came closer and closer.
远处的歌声随风飘送到我们耳中 。A distant song was wafted to our ears.
清脆的歌声 clear and
melodious singing
胜利的歌声传四方 。Triumphant songs were heard
歌声四起 。Sounds
of singing were heard from all around.
悠扬的歌声 melodious singing
歌声清越 sing
in a clarion voice
悦耳的歌声 sweet song
歌声嘹亮 。The
singing is loud and clear.
歌声缭绕 。The
song lingered in the air.
歌声铿锵悦耳 sing
in sonorous and pleasing voice
她的歌声轻脆响亮 。Her songs are clear and sharp.
歌声打破了夜晚校园的寂静 。Songs
broke the silence of the campus at night.
那歌声柔和缠绵 。The song is tender and

