
1.将365个祝福这首歌完整的用英语写出来A year three hundred sixty-five sunrise
I will give you 365 blessings
Turn the clock every day of one thousand four hundred forty laps
My heart is hidden in a day
(我的心每天都藏着 )
More than one thousand four hundred and forty thoughts
Every single day I wish you happy
(每一天都要祝你快快乐乐 )
Every minute hope for your safety
Auspicious light surround you forever
【365英语怎么写】(吉祥的光永远环绕着你 )
Like the splendor of the rising sun
(像那旭日东升灿烂无比 )
A year three hundred sixty-five sunrise
(一年有三百六十五个日出 )
I will give you 365 blessings
(我送你三百六十五个祝福 )
Turn the clock every day of one thousand four hundred forty laps
My heart is hidden in a day
(我的心每天都藏着 )
More than one thousand four hundred and forty thoughts
Every single day I wish you happy
(每一天都要祝你快快乐乐 )
Every minute hope for your safety
Years quietly flow like a fountain
(岁月像泉水悄悄的流 )
Friendship like the stars forever permanent
(友谊像那星辰永久永久 )

