
1.看医生作文用英语怎么写五十字Today I felt uncomfortable.So my mum took me to the hospital.When I saw the doctor in white,I was so nervous.The doctor examined my body and togne and took my temperature.He told my mum I had a serious cold.So I must be given an injection.I cried once I heard that,because I was afraid of ache.(我怕疼)
My mum encouraged me as well as the doctor.He said it wouldn't hurt that much.He was quite skilled.I thanked the doctor very much.Right now I feel much better.
2.小学六年级英语作文看医生怎么写Everytime I am asked what I want to do in the future. I think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. Doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. I think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. It is a feeling of pride and I am fond of it. In modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. I dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. Curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility.Being a doctor is my dream job, now I should study hard to gain more knowledge to reach my goal. 每当有人问我什麽我想要做的未来.我想一分钟,当个医生是我梦寐以求的工作.医生是其他种类的艺术家谁做人体艺术,与疾病斗争,使人们感觉良好.我认为这是一种乐趣尽我所能,给别人带来幸福.它是一种感觉,我的骄傲喜欢它.在现代生活中,人民群众夜以继日地工作,寻求财富,因此他们忽视自己的健康.据了解,强壮的身体是一种幸福的生活基础.我梦想成为一名出色的医生谁可以帮助他们有权利享受生活.固化人是医生的神圣职责.作为一个医生是我梦寐以求的工作,现在我要努力学习以获得更多的知识来达到我的目标 。
3.医生的英语怎么写怎么读呢【看医生英语怎么写】doctor 英 ['d?kt?] 美 ['dɑkt?] vt. 修理;篡改,伪造;为…治病;授以博士学位 n. 医生;博士 vi. 就医;行医 doctor [d?kt?]n.校正器;调节机;应急装置;(船上的)辅(助)发动机 (=donkey engine)镀层修理器;(电镀)辅助工具医生,医师,大夫;内科医师;外科医师[略作 Dr.][主美国、加拿大英语]领有执照的医生,牙科医生,牙医;骨疗医生,施行骨疗者,正骨者;兽医[略作 Dr.]博士;名誉博士;博士称号;博士学位[略作Dr.][常作D-]早期基督教神学家[亦作Doctor of the Church]男巫,巫医[口语]修改者;修补者,修理者【机械学】【钓鱼】(作鱼饵的)人造(彩色)蝇,假蝇饵【印刷】(造纸机上的)刮(浆)刀,刮片;刮墨刀[常作the Doctor]【气象学 】(热带)保健风,郎中风(食品)搀料,添加剂【化学】脱硫液 (=doctor solution)[俚语]营地(或船上)厨师,炊事员[古语]学识渊博者,有学问的人,大学者;教师[古语、俚语]灌铅的骰子,假骰子[亦作 doc][美国俚语](给马施用兴奋剂的)“马医”vt.为…充当医生,为…诊治,给…治病,治疗,医疗,医治;用药于:He doctored her back to health.他给她治好病,使她康复 。
She doctored herself for just a common cold.她自己治好了自己的一般感冒 。She doctored her cold at home.她在家里治疗感冒 。
(尤指临时)修复,修理,修补,修好:He doctored the chipped vase with a little plastic cement.他用一些塑胶修补了破裂的花瓶 。伪造;窜改;粉饰(up):He doctored up his plans.他窜改了计划 。
He doctored the accounts.他窜改了账目 。to doctor the birth date on a passport 窜改护照上的出生日期(尤指为了改进而)修改,修正,改编,改写(原稿、照片等);更改(up):to doctor a play 修改剧本在(食品中)搀料,为(食品)加添加剂(up):He doctored his drink with sedatives.他向饮料里掺了镇静药 。