托福综合写作怎么写( 三 )

更多的主题开头in fact, xxxis the reader's majorconcernunlike xxx,xxx2(同谓语),aaa mayvt 以后几段少写一些 最后一个例证段的开头:thelast but not the least……….. 在段落中的自问自答可以有效地证明自己的观点 。Why……?.The answer to this probleminvolves many factors. The first reason can be obviously seenMost peoplewould agree that….. Somepeople may neglect that….. in fact……other suggest that……Part ofexplanation is ……… 过渡段(A类可以没有或很少如果你在每个段子中都又对比,B类(见下)=让步段) 如果段与段都是同一个观点:to understand the truth of….,it is also important to see…..what is more,a study of …..will makethis point clearer 如果我们转到另一方说对立面地优点:certainly/of course, xxx has its own advantages, such as……..+however,+ 我的观点I do notdeny that xxx has its own merits such as … but…Admittedly…xxx also play an important role in …….. 接B方案 其他结构及应急措施 如果不够用(开头用了过多时间例如超过7分钟了) 我们不用避讳first/forone thing, second/also, third/what is more 我们先列出三个优点,在最后写出对立方的不足 例如:ofcourse, xxx give us/ bring us………….说一些对立方的优点(所以后面B方案结尾就不用让步了) 。
在结尾最终敲定你的观点也不迟 。例如But ,as xxx, we should / do not /we had better.总之,我们的body末端就像是在画一道九曲十八弯的江水(说得有点夸张),但最终她是要流向大海的 。
3结尾(A方案=让步+结论 B方案=结论) 接A方案的结尾,让步同样可以这样:of course, xxx giveus…/ xxx,certainly, has its own merits/advantages. 后面+ 一大堆“一句话例子 。

