
1.痛苦的英文怎么说pain : [pein] n. 痛苦,疼痛,辛苦v. 使 。
痛苦词形变化:动词过去式:pained 过去分词:pained 现在分词:paining 第三人称单数:pains 1. It pains me to have to tell you that 。我以沉痛的心情告诉你 。
2. He has a pain in the knee. 他膝盖酸痛 。painful['peinful] a. 痛苦的vt. 使疼痛1. The sting of a jellyfish is very painful. 让水母刺著是很痛的.2. Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的.词形变化:名词:painfulness 副词:painfully suffering['s 。
2.痛苦用英语怎么说痛苦 [tòng kǔ]
pain painful suffering
misery yow wrench torment pathos painfulness soreness throe anguish affliction angor be in pain agonising agonizing peine distress
战争给无辜的人民带来的痛苦不是金钱可以补偿的 。
The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.
她的话减轻了我的痛苦 。
Her words mitigated my suffering.
他的痛苦引起了我们的同情 。
His sufferings aroused our sympathy.
1. pain
2. painful
3. suffering
Relative explainations:
<misery> <yow> <wrench> <torment> <pathos> <painfulness> <soreness> <throe> <anguish> <affliction> <angor> <be in pain> <agonising> <agonizing> <peine> <distress>
1. 过去的痛苦即是快乐 。
Pain past is pleasure.
2. 【谚】一朝得了利,痛苦便忘记 。
Pain is forgotten where gain follows.
3. 她因牙痛而痛苦 。
She suffered the tortures of toothaches.
4. 那个战士经受了大量出血的痛苦,不久便去世了 。
The soldier suffered a massive haemorrhage and died soon after.
5. 他有过什么痛苦吗?
Did he suffer any hurt?
6. 他的痛苦引起了我们的同情 。
His sufferings aroused our sympathy.
7. 她的话减轻了我的痛苦 。
Her words mitigated my suffering.
8. 战争给无辜的人民带来的痛苦不是金钱可以补偿的 。
The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money

