打理英语怎么写( 二 )

涂上脸颊时稍微多用力,以增强清晰度 。
Don't be surprised if very soon men's toiletry kit contains not only shaving cream, deodorant and toothpaste, but concealer, oil-absorbing face powder and brow gel.
如果在不远的将来,男士的化妆用品不再局限于剃须膏,除臭剂和牙膏,而是包括了遮瑕用品,吸油粉和眉胶,也不要感到意外 。
That's because guys are relying on an increasing number of made-for-men products like these to put their best face forward.
因为小伙子们正指望着越来越多这类为男士量身定做的产品来展现他们最好的一面 。
5.帮忙用英语翻译下,具体内容看描述,谢谢This week has nothing special things,because the new year will coming,and everybody are always buying something for the year.Their face are full of smile.However,we have nothing to do,and from time to time to help our parents to clean my home or play some games together.Now,I look forward to the new year coming quickly.Let me congratulation my new year! 。

