
1.“照顾”用英语的三种表达方法是哪些一、look after
英 [luk ?ɑ:ft?] 美 [l?k ??ft?]
I love looking after the children
我喜欢照顾小孩 。
二、take care of
英 [teik k?? ?v] 美 [tek k?r ?v]
Don't worry yourself about me, I can take care of myself
你别担心我,我能照顾好自己 。
三、care for
英 [k?? f?:] 美 [k?r f?r]
They hired a nurse to care for her.
他们雇了个护士来照顾她 。
词义辨析:take care of、look after、care for
1、照看小孩、老人、病人或物品可用take care of,英国英语尤用look after:
You can borrow my camera if you promise to take care of/look after it.
只要你答应把我的照相机保管好就可以借去用 。
2、在较正式用语中,照看或照顾某人亦可用care for:
She does some voluntary work, caring for the elderly.
她干一些照顾老人的义务工作 。
3、care for较常用于表示喜欢:
I don't really care for spicy food.
我其实不喜欢吃辛辣食物 。
2.照顾用英语三种表达方法照顾用62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431353236英语三种表达方法分别是look after、take care of、care for 。
1、look after 照顾;关心;目送 短语 look right after 照看 look out after 关心 look k after oneself 照顾好自己 2、take care of 照顾;注意;抚养 短语 take proper care of 适当注意 take nice care of 好好照看 take well care of 采取良好的照顾 3、care for 关心,照顾;喜欢 短语 care nothing for 不以为意 ; 不嫌 ; 对……不在乎 ; 不顾 care not for 喜爱 ; 意欲 ; 照顾 ; 照管 Care instructions for bags 手袋使用及保养篇 扩展资料 care的同近义词 1、tend 英 [tend] 美 [t?nd] vi. 趋向,倾向;照料,照顾 vt. 照料,照管 短语 TELEDRBNETELEDRBNE TEND 天患上 Furs Tend 皮草护理 developing tend 发展趋势 2、attend 英 [?'tend] 美 [?'t?nd] vt. 出席;上(大学等);照料;招待;陪伴 vi. 出席;致力于;照料;照顾 短语 to attend 参加 ; 出席 ; 到会 ; 管待 attend worship 崇拜 ; 礼拜 Attend the 准时出席 ; 出席的 。
3.给我英语写出来Ah, the time for life and no time to do a space, this space, thank you for always supporting friends. I hereby released this space on August 4, update, PS out some fantastic for everyone to enjoy work, let you witness PS magic, it is not. Like PS friends can add 90618692 group. This group is on July 1. On October 1, the use and management of investment. This group for technical communication, chat, etc. Various projects game, 。
4.英语翻译一小段话at present
More and more men are not shy about being fashionable, styling 越来越多的男士不再羞于扮靓
their hair, whitening their teeth, or wearing makeup. Many
他们打理发型,美白牙齿,甚至化妆 。
male celebrities, actors, and models sit in a makeup chair
许多男明星、男演员和男模特在公开场所露面之前都要化妆 。
before making a public appearance. It's no surprise that with modern society's emphasis on youth, perfection, and physical attraction, women aren't the only ones who want to accentuate their best facial features and hide blemishes and scars.
在当今社会崇尚年轻,完美和外表魅力的氛围下,女人不再是唯一想要美化她们的五官掩盖瑕疵和疤痕的族群,也不足为奇 。
Powder your Nose.
在你的鼻子上上粉 。
Dip the tip of a powder brush in powder and dust it lightly over your forehead and face.
用刷子蘸上粉,轻轻扑在前额和脸上 。
Apply a little more pressure when you go over your upper cheekbones, to add definition.