
1.英语文化节 作文English cultural Festival
In the beginning of May,our school held a activity related to English.It is called English cultural festival.It lasted for a week.Almost all classes took part in .
This cultural festival had various programs which attract many students.There was a flea market where many people choosed to sing.Here lots of students crowded here.The helding of English karaoke contest attracted those who love to sing English songs to show themselves.It allowed to sing with only one person also a composition.One composition of my class won the first prize.Besides English karaoke contest,we also have a English playlet contest.It is very pity that our class only won the third prize because we had exceed the time.But we thought our performance was very good.We expressed our feeling our words appropriately.The most important ,with the hard training,our whole class got through the common difficulties and happiness.The hard working was worthwhile.Most important,our whole class took part in .It embodied our unity.
The most interesting program in this cultural festival was English word contest.If you didn't have enough English words capacity,you would lose this contest .It also can help us to memorize more words.Our class has s first prize owner also a third one.
【文化节的英语怎么写】The last program is English garden tour.Our class was responsible for proposition.If someone won ,he would have award.Our topic is describing a scenery in English.Class Three won the first prize.
This English cultural festival was very successful.Students were all satisfied for it.From this activity,more and more students has interest in learning Englis.We hope this kind of activity can be held more.
2.你对文化节有什么看法的英语作文带翻译small business owner conserve cash while still buying the equipment and supplies needed to keep the business moving forward.Surveys report that more than 65 percent of small businesses now have credit cards,and this number continues to rise.Of course,not unlike personal credit cards,the same warnings hold true:Business credit cards must be used cautiously and only for the sake of the business.Although business credit cards typically carry an annual fee,it is usually rather nominal.A number of advantages are evident in such business credit cards,including:Another advantage of a business credit card is that by using it,you are demonstrating the growth of business while promoting it at the same time.Even someone running a home-based business gains more credibility when flashing a business credit card 。
3.假定你是李华,你校本周刚举办第一届英语文化节Im Lihua. I'm so glad that I can take part in this English culture festval. School is our home. the other students are just like our sisters and brothers. And the teachers are good friends and guides. We are so lucky to live in such a harmonious family. It's our honour to study together, eat together, and play together. We can have more activities to promote our friendship. Such as all kinds of parties every week. Or cooking competitions between different majors. On the other hand, We can beauty our school. like planting more trees in each class's own area. and the students can observe their trees everyday. 。
4.写英语作文:假如你是李华你校本周举办第一届英语文化节Greetings, I am Hua Li. Come join me and check out the amusing things to do in our college's first ever English cultural exchange festival - indoors and outdoors!The English cultural exchange festival is a terrific way to bring people from many different backgrounds together to celebrate a common theme – the English language and culture. Whether you see it as a cultural festival, a day of interactive education or a festival celebrating good old joy, there are a few certain things that fit right in and can ensure a good time is had by all.Our reputable college's drama society just gained big applause with their avant-garde "The Taming of the Merchant's Dream" production. It is a mystery and exotic production that encompasses over a handful of students. For the coming festival, they are going to present another sensational work of post-modern Shakespeare's fusion - "Measure of Errors as Juliet Likes It". It will be held as a whole day event and starts early at dawn. Although the tickets are free, I would advise you to grab some popcorn and be an early bird, but no worm entrance is allowed.To raise the spirit to the next level, a poetry reading marathon will be held on the day. Over dozens of teachers and students have voluntarily enrolled for it. Loud speakers and amplifying equipment will be set up in the middle of the football field for competitors to sing and chant their favourite English poems simultaneously. Every corner of the college will be hearing the on-going heat-up competition of the day. If this is held without major issues, some potential world records may be broken. It will be definitely an event worth sonneted.The festival is going to have traditional English music flooding at every parts of the school. From dull English folks, irritating Scottish bagpipe buzz to rock and roll in flashy Irish flavours, songs are a great way to inject positive energy into a crowd. Live bands on the day will provide entertainment enough to naturally induce some peculiar dancing in the crowd, I believe. In addition, a disc jockey has been hired to play the crowd's favourite cheesy British tunes while providing a sarcastic voice for the lively festival. Music will be the centrepiece for the festival.No festival is complete without food. One of the best things about this festival is the large amount of diverse and delicious foods. Having multiple dining options for festival goers to choose from is a surefire way to keep everyone, and their stomachs, happy. Whether it is the classic English all-day breakfast, vinegar-soaked fish and chips, halitosis-making Collen skink, or the least-loved plain oat porridge, having plenty of food is the way to go. That is, if only the school budget allows. I, personally, prefer a jar of authentic Marmite and that is all I ask for. Speaking of that, I am having a craving of that powerful aroma and incredible taste right now, honestly. In connection with the English gastronomic culture, amber brew could never be missed in a cultural festival. Trucks of barley pop have been ordered to fill the college's swimming pool. Everyone can enjoy their free share of refreshment. For the festival, the staffs have ordered the world's first beer bong that is tailored-made for everyone in the college bonging altogether. If you would like to bring the excitement to extreme, we welcome you to our kinky drinking games in the headmaster's office, which is exclusive for the special privileged only. For the classy group who sees alcohol as junk science, you may savour wine and food pairing outside the restrooms. Cheap wine will be sold around the corner. Please note. You are reminded that no alcohol may be purchased by persons under legal drinking age. With world-class literature, music and food, I ensure you a festival filled with in-depth imperialistic excitement, endless fun, and deafening cheer. Once again, I am Hua Lee, an active promoter of the college's English cultural exchange festival. 。