
Dear Mr/Ms XXX;
Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness.
This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be absent from school, especially your interesting lessons. I'll be sure to make up for the missed lessons after I recover from the illness.
Yours ever,
2.有谁可以帮我用英文写一个请假条么谁可以帮我写一个英文请假条 内容就是因为家里面有事情 所以晚上缺席 请事假 谢谢问题补充:麻烦可以帮我写一个关于 我隔壁家的小孩生病了 家里没有人 我要带他去看病的 请假条么?字数在100字就好了Dear Mr.Wang I am sorry I can`t attend your class tonight,because I have to take the kid of my neighbeour`s to the hospital.He is badly sick,and his parents are not home. I promiss I will catch up with my classmates as soon as possible. Thank you! yours, xiaoxiya 。
3.请假条,英文的Dear Miss Morgan,
I'm sorry to let you know that I will not be able to attend the leture on the American history, because I have to go to the airport to pick up <someone>.
Will it be taped? It'd be great if there's recording so that I may listen to it later.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
4.英语作文 请假条 急 急 急however, i would of course not like to miss the lecture, so if you have the recording of the lecture,
i'm very sorry to inform you that i will not be able to attend the history lecture tommorrow afternoon because i have to meet with my uncle who will be arriving from france. i have to go to the airport and bring him to my house because we haven't met for many yearsdear miss morgan
5.我的请假条用英语写请假条,100词左右,内容不限,等着急用,希望June 。
15 Dear Miss Li, I had a headache and felt cold after I swam this morning 。I found I had a high fever 。
So I went to see a doctor soon 。The doctor examined me and told me that I had got a bad cold 。
He gave me some medicine 。He told me to drink more boiled water and lie in bed for three days 。
I'm sorry to say that I can't go to school for three days until I'm well 。When I'm back to school, I'll work harder than ever in order to make up for the missing lessons 。
I'm sure I can catch up with others soon 。Yours, Li Ling 亲爱的李老师: 我今天早晨去游泳,之后就感到头疼且浑身发冷 。
我发现自己在发高烧 。于是我去医院看病 。
医生为我做检查,诊断我得了重感冒 。他给我开了些药,让我多喝开水并要卧床休息3天 。
我很遗憾暂时不能到校上课了,望谅解 。我病愈之后就立即返校 。
我会加倍努力,把落下的功课补起来 。我相信我很快就会赶上去的 。
学生:李玲 2月11日。
6.请帮忙翻译成英语:请假条请假条张老师,由于得了重感冒,我今天不请假条 张老师,由于得了重感冒,我今天不能来上课了 。
这是医生开的医疗证明 。望准假! 此致 敬礼 王刚 Dear Mr.Zhang, I am very sorry but I do not think I am going to be able to attend classes today because I have caught a very bad cold. This is accompanied by a doctor's note. Please allow my absence. Best regards, Wang Gang 。

