
读音:英 [la?k] 美 [la?k]
【像我英语怎么写】prep. 像
conj. 如同
adv. 大概;和。一样
adj. 相似的;同样的
v. 喜欢;想;愿意
n. 类似的人或物
1、I like 我喜欢 ; 我像
2、something like 大约 ; 几分象 ; 有点像 ; 差不多
3、like this 像这样 ; 黑木明纱 ; 这样 ; 叽叽喳喳
4、just like 正如 ; 宛如 ; 就像 ; 一样
1 He and his brother are very like.
他和他兄弟很相像 。
2、The two girls are very like.
这两个女孩很相像 。
3、They're not twins, but they're very like.
他们俩虽非双胞胎,却十分相像 。
4、The two buildings are very like.
这两栋楼很像 。
as,like这两个词均有“像”之意 。区别在于:
1、like是前置词,后面跟的是宾语 。
2、as从属连词,引出方式从句 。
1、Things were almost as they had been before.
事情还像以前一样 。
2、She looks forward,as does her secretary,to the completion of the building.
她像她的秘书那样盼望工程竣工 。
2.“比如说”的英语怎么写比如说 for example ; such as ; for instance 短语 比如说轻音乐 Such As Light Music 比如说外域 Such As Outland 比如说牛头 Tauren 比如说我 For instance said me ; For example, if 比如说数学 For instance said mathematics ; For example mathematical 比如说在线模型 online model 比如说核磁共振技术 nuclear magnetic resonance ; NMR 比如说国际税法项目 International Taxation Program 比如说医生和老师 For example doctors and teachers 双语例句 比如说,它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example? 比如说,你可能会问,“我下一个会议在哪里开?” For example, you might ask, "where is my next meeting? 所以,比如说在作出一个关于你的股票投资组合之前或许你应该喝一瓶水 。
So maybe you should drink a bottle of water before making a decision about your stockportfolio, for example. 拓展资料1、for example 英 [f?: iɡ?zɑ:mpl] 美 [f?r ?ɡ?z?mp?l] 例如 短语 for the example 为例 education for an example 典型培育 For This Example 在这个例子 For Another Example 再如 As For A Example 给个例子 for an example 为例 landslide for practical example 滑坡实例 Established for child example 为孩子设立榜样 and for another example 另一个例子 双语例句 For example, I have problems with proofreading. 举例来说,我在校对方面有问题 。For example; I used to be afraid to be myself when I socialized with anyone. 例如,当与别人交往时我会感觉害怕,我意识到我害怕的是自己 。
" For example, "If you agree, we can talk to each other with respect in the future. 举个例子,“如果你同意,我们以后可以用这种尊重的方式去和对方谈话 。2、such as 比如;诸如 短语 such h as 例如 ; 像这种 ; 诸如 ; 比如 Such Adjectives As 等形容词 Such Factors As Convenience 等因素方便 such functions as 等功能 such&as 例如 such thing as darkness 没有黑暗这种东西 Such Industries As Adhesives 一些工业如粘合剂 Such Countries As Denmark 如此国家如丹麦 Including Such Areas As 包括诸如 双语例句 But what if you have a lot of audio material to listen to, such as audio books or podcasts? 但是如果你有很多像有声书或播客这样的音频材料要听,那该怎么办呢?We have better use for our money such as saving or sharing it, and because I want my childrento care about their impact on the environment, the economic state of our country and ourhumanity. 我们要更好的用我们的钱,比如存起来或和别人一起共享,因为我希望我的孩子认识到他们自己对环境的影响,以及我们国家经济状况和我们的人性 。