adj. 黄色的;黄皮肤的
adj. 胆小的
n. 黄色;黄种人;黄色颜料
vi. 变黄或发黄
vt. 使变黄或发黄
The walls have been painted bright yellow.
这些墙壁已被漆成亮黄色 。
英 [blu?] 美 [blu]
n. 蓝色
adj. 蓝色的;沮丧的,忧郁的;下流的
vt. 把…染成蓝色;使成蓝色;给…用上蓝剂;用上蓝剂于
vi. 变成蓝色,呈蓝色
She fixed her pale blue eyes on her father's.
她用那蔚蓝色的双眼盯着父亲的眼睛 。
英 ['p??p(?)l] 美 ['p?pl]
adj. 紫色的;帝王的;华而不实的
n. 紫色;紫袍
vi. 变成紫色
vt. 使成紫色
Do you like this purple one?
4.陋室铭 的 英文翻译《陋室铭》
山不在高,有仙则名 。
Mountains are not high, but fairies are named.
水不在深,有龙则灵 。
Water is not deep, dragons are spiritual.
斯是陋室,惟吾德馨 。
S is a shabby room, but Dexin is the only one.
苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青 。
The moss stains are green and the grass is green.
谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁 。
There are great Confucians in talking and laughing.
可以调素琴,阅金经 。
You can tune the piano and read the Jin Jing.
无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形 。
No silk bamboo chaotic ears, no case of labor.
南阳诸葛庐,西蜀子云亭 。
Zhuge Lu, Nanyang, Yunting, Xishuzi.
Confucius Yun: What's so ugly?
山不在于高,有了神仙就出名 。水不在于深,有了龙就显得有了灵气 。这是简陋的房子,只是我(住屋的人)品德好(就感觉不到简陋了) 。长到台阶上的苔痕颜色碧绿;草色青葱,映入帘中 。到这里谈笑的都是知识渊博的大学者,交往的没有知识浅薄的人,平时可以弹奏清雅的古琴,阅读泥金书写的佛经 。没有奏乐的声音扰乱双耳,没有官府的公文使身体劳累 。南阳有诸葛亮的草庐,西蜀有扬子云的亭子 。孔子说:“这有什么简陋呢?”
《陋室铭》是唐代诗人刘禹锡所创作的一篇托物言志骈体铭文 。全文短短八十一字,作者借赞美陋室抒写自己志行高洁,安贫乐道,不与世俗同流合污的意趣 。
The Impoverished Room Inscription is a paralleled inscription of
expressing one's ambition by Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. The
full text is 81 words short. The author uses the praise of the shabby
room to express his noble ambition, peaceful and happy way, and not to
be in harmony with the world.
文章层次明晰,先以山水起兴,点出“斯是陋室,惟吾德馨”的主旨,接着从室外景、室内人、室中事方面着笔,渲染陋室不陋的高雅境界,并引古代俊彦之居,古代圣人之言强化文意,以反问作结,余韵悠长 。
The article has a clear hierarchy. First, it starts with mountains and rivers, points out the theme of "Si is a shabby room, but I only love Dexin". Then it starts with outdoor scenery, indoor people and things in the room, renders the elegant realm of the shabby room, and quotes the ancient residence of Junyan. Ancient sages'words strengthen the literary meaning, conclude with counter-questions, and have a long lasting rhyme.
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