
1.虞美人这首诗用英语怎么说Spring Flower and Autumn Moon(To the Tune of Yumeiren)Li YuWhen will there be no more moon and spring flowers春花秋月何时了,For me who had so many memorable hours?往事知多少.My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand小楼昨夜又东风,Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.故国不堪回首月明中.Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,雕阑玉砌应犹在,But rosy faces cannot be as fair.只是朱颜改.If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,问君能有几多愁,Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!恰似一江春水向东流 。
2.虞美人翻译成英文是什么虞美人:英文名:corn poppy
虞美人,别名丽春花 。属罂粟科,一、二年生草本花卉 。多为丛生,高80厘米
左右,茎叶均有毛,茎具乳汁 。叶互生羽状分裂 。花单生于花葶顶端,4瓣或重瓣,
纸质而有光彩,里红、紫、粉、白等色,并有复色、镶边和斑点,非常娇艳 。花期
4一5月 。
原产欧、亚大陆,我国广泛栽培,以江、浙一带最多 。性喜温暖,耐寒冷 。
置花坛,盆花或切花用 。
3.李煜的虞美人这首诗用英语怎么说When will there be no more moon and spring flowers春花秋月何时了,For me who had so many memorable hours?往事知多少 。
My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand小楼昨夜又东风,Reminds cruelly of the lost moonlit land.故国不堪回首月明中 。Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,雕阑玉砌应犹在,But rosy faces cannot be as fair.只是朱颜改 。
If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,问君能有几多愁,Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!恰似一江春水向东流 。
4.李煜的虞美人 全诗的英文翻译Yu Meiren
Li Yu
The beautiful scenery,
How much do you know about the past.
The east wind blew again in my garden last night.
How can I bear the cruel memory of Bowers and palaces steeped in moonlight!
Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there,
But rosy faces cannot be as fair.
If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased,
It is the river flows to the east.
5.有谁能告诉我李煜的《虞美人》的英文版TUNE:“THE BEAUTIFUL LADY YU” When will there be no more autumn moon and spring flowers For me who had so many memorable hours? My attic which last night in vernal wind did stand Reminds me cruelly of the lost moonlit land. Carved balustrades and marble steps must still be there, But rosy faces cannot be as fair. If you ask me how much my sorrow has increased, Just see the overbrimming river flowing east! 作者:许渊冲----这个更好一些 。
6.虞美人 李煜 翻译什么时候才能完结呢:指南唐都城金陵(现在南京),史称南唐后主,在位15年,降宋后封违命侯 。
这首词表达了作者对故国的深切怀念://zhidao.baidu.com/question/224479129,只是朱颜改,李煜当国君时,日日纵情声色,少女的代称,春花又将怒放 。回想起南唐的王朝,过去许许多多的事到底做得如何呢 。
这两句就是具体写“回首”“故国”的——故都金陵华丽的宫殿大概还在,只是那些丧国的宫女朱颜已改 。这里暗含着李后主对国土更姓,山河变色的感慨!“朱颜”一词在这里固然具体指往日宫中的红粉佳人,但同时又是过去一切美好事物、美好生活的象征 。
以上六句,将他毒死 。这首词通过今昔交错对比,表现了一个亡国之君的无穷的哀怨 。
“春花秋月何时了,尤其是通过自然的永恒和人事的沧桑的强烈对比、玉石砌成的台阶应该还在,多少也有悔恨之意 。“小楼昨夜又东风,听着春风,望着明月、李氏的社稷——自己的故国却早已被灭亡 。