
Person Lost
It's on July 1st that a girl named XXX was missing.
XXX is a girl who has big eyes, a tall nose and golden hair.
XXX was wearing a blue T-shirt and a jean when was last seen.
Whomever find the girl that matches the description please contact us.As a reward, we'll pay $140.Thanks for your help.
TEL :(+86)234343xxxxxxx
E-mail:[email protected]
在7月1日,一个叫XXX的女孩走失 。
电话 :(+86)234343xxxxxxx
E-mail:[email protected]
2.如何用英文写寻人启事以下是个例子: NOTICE It's on July 1st that a girl named XXX was missing. XXX is a girl who has big eyes, a tall nose and golden hair. XXX was wearing a blue T-shirt and a jean when was last seen. Whomever find the girl that matches the description please contact us.As a reward, we'll pay $140.Thanks for your help. TEL E-mail: 翻译 寻人启事 在7月1日,一个叫XXX的女孩走失 。
XXX长着大眼睛、高鼻梁、金色头发 XXX走失时穿着一件蓝色T恤和牛仔裤 发现符合以上描述女孩的人,请与我们联系,作为回报,我们会奖励160美元,谢谢您的帮助!! 电话 : E-mail: 要写寻人启事,把上面的人名、体貌特征、衣着、发现者的奖励等做一下更改,就可以了 。
3.寻人启事英语作文寻人启事:她的名字叫金利,她有大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,棕色的头发;上身穿的是一件橙色的羊毛衫,下身穿的是白色的裤子,黄色的皮鞋 。
寻人启事英文范文Lost Notice ,Her name is Jinli.She has big eyes,round face and brown hair.She is in a orange wool sweater , white pants and yellow shoes.寻人启事:她的名字叫金利,她有大大的眼睛,圆圆的脸,棕色的头发;上身穿的是一件橙色的羊毛衫,下身穿的是白色的裤子,黄色的皮鞋 。作文地带提示:寻人启事是比较少见的一类考试范文,大家可以做个参考就成,不必太深究,请您参考作文地带提供其他范文 。
4.英语寻人启事怎么写Boy Missing
Diudiu, male 12 years old, has been missing. He is XXX(medium-build), has XXX(short dark hair), XXX(small eyes with glasses and round face). He was wearing a XXX(white T-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers) that day.
If you have information regarding his whereabout, please contact Mr.XXX at 2222252
注:XXX是你要填的信息,括号中的是例子,仅供参考 。
5.写一篇英文寻人启事并且带中文Child lost
Mike got lost at the street, on 8th,Jan.
He is a 11-year-old boy with medium height.He has short black hair, a small round face and not big eyes with a pair of glass.On that day, he wore white T-shirt, blue jeans and black sports shoes.
If you has some information about him, please call Mr.Smith.
Thank you
迈克,在一月八日走失 。他是个11岁男孩中等身材 。他有短黑发、小圆脸,不大的眼睛 。他身穿白色恤衫、蓝色牛仔裤及黑色运动鞋 。如果你有相关信息,请您打电话给迈克的父母(Joozone Note:Mr.Smith斯密斯夫妇) 。
谢谢 。
6.英语寻人启事怎么写Boy Missing Diudiu, male 12 years old, has been missing. He is XXX(medium-build), has XXX(short dark hair), XXX(small eyes with glasses and round face). He was wearing a XXX(white T-shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers) that day. If you have information regarding his whereabout, please contact Mr.XXX at 2222252 注:XXX是你要填的信息,括号中的是例子,仅供参考 。