
1.“寄宿家庭”用英语怎么说寄宿家庭用英文:host family我还没找到寄宿家庭用英文:I haven't found a host family yet.词汇解析1、host英[h??st];美[host]n. 主机;主人;主持人;许多vt. 主持;当主人招待vi. 群集;做主人例:Tonight she hosts a ball for 300 guests.今晚她做东办一场有300名来宾参加的舞会 。
例:A host of problems may delay the opening of the new bridge.一大堆问题也许会延迟新建桥梁的开通 。2、family英[?f?m?l?];美[?f?m?l?]n. 家庭;亲属;家族;子女adj. 家庭的;家族的;适合于全家的例:It had beendesigned as a family house.它已被设计成一幢适合全家人居住的房子 。
例:There's room in there for a family of five.那儿能住得下一家5口 。扩展资料一、host的用法1、host作“东道主,主人”解时,与其相对的阴性名词是hostess 。
2、host作“大量,许多”解时常与介词of连用,其后一般接复数名词 。3、host还可作“军队”解,指军队或武装起来的一群人,在圣经中它指天使军、众天使,是集合名词 。
4、host当其作主语时,其谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式 。二、关于host的短语1、play host to v. 招待2、intermediate host 中间宿主3、host range 宿主范围4、host address 主机地址5、host processor 主处理机 。
2.给美国寄宿家庭的感谢信(英文)怎么写Dear father and mother,elder sister:
Thanks these days very much to our attendance,these five day of we are very joyful,we also want to live together with you.You are good to me,we are very affected,thank you.We will think of you very much.Thanks you to lead us to eat the hot pot,thanks you to lead us to participate in party,thanks you to send and pick up us to go to school every day.I will not forget you.Wants to play Uno again really with you.
Sincerest blessing Mona Belli,can you think me?I will very want to think you very much

