
1.餐厅的英文是什么餐厅 [cān tīng]1.(饭厅,食堂) dining room2.(餐馆) restaurant短语1.自助餐厅:cafeteria | Buffet | buffet restaurant | cecureteria 。
2.餐厅家具:Dining room furniture | Dining room | Ding Room | Restaurant Furniture 。3.常春藤餐厅:The Ivy | Ivy Restaurant 。
4.马克西姆餐厅:Maxim's Paris | Maxim's de Paris 。5.餐厅领班:headwaiter | Captain | Restaurant Captain | Team Leader 。
6.电车餐厅:Colonial Tramcar Restaurant | tram restaurant | Tramcar Restaurant | Coloniwouls Trherewoulscar Restfeelnt 。7.莲花餐厅:Cafe Lotus | Cecure Lotus | LOTUS CAFE | Lotus Restaurant 。
8.日落餐厅:Sunset Restaurant | Ristorante AL Tramont 。9.传奇餐厅:Lagenda | LegendaryLounge 。
例句:1.在餐厅里我应该付给多少小费?How much should I tip at a restaurant?2.你们的餐厅在哪里?where is your restaurant?3.我想去一家气氛欢乐、活泼的餐厅 。I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.4.在皇家餐厅举行了祝捷盛宴 。
A grand victory banquet was served in the royal dining room.5.当初他投资这家餐厅时,就加了一个条件,要求它必须建一个这样的喷泉 。When he invested in the restaurant, it had been on the condition that it include such a fountain.6.一个禁止吸烟的餐厅为什么会有烟灰缸呢?why are there ashtrays in a no-smoking restaurant? 。

