
1.龙猫的英文简介My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ,Tonari no Totoro?), is a 1988 Japanese anime film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. The film follows the two young daughters of a professor and their interactions with friendly wood spirits in postwar rural Japan. The movie won the Animage Anime Grand Prix prize in 1988. The movie was originally released in the U.S. in VHS format with the title, My Friend Totoro.[1] Troma Films, under their 50th St. Films banner, produced a 1993 dub of the film co-produced by Jerry Beck. It was released on VHS and DVD by Fox Video. Troma's and Fox's rights to this version expired in 2004. The film was re-released by Disney on March 7, 2006.[2] It features a new dub cast. This DVD release is the first version of the film in the United States to include both Japanese and English language tracks, as Fox did not have the rights to the Japanese audio track for their version. 。
2.龙猫介绍英文翻译在英语中,此龙猫非彼龙猫,不存在同名或同名电影的问题,象点儿样的文章,不能靠翻译,只能靠写出来:Lliving in the Orient,perhaps you don't yet know the chinchilla,but you could have remembered Totoro,My Neighbor Totoro,A Japanese cartoon you had watched in your childhood.In fact,Totoro is a chinchilla,which is a mammal slightly like a rabbit.Chinchillas are native to the Andes mountains in South America, and they live in holes in rocks or cliff at high altitudes (up to 15,000 ft/4,270 m). The animals are good at jumping and can jump up to 1.8 m.In nature,they feed on plant leaves, fruits, seeds, and small insects.Their teeth grow continuously,so chinchillas often rub them.The rodent's gestation period is 111 days,and it can merely produce two pups or so every year.Chinchillas have a large amount of pores in their skin;Furthermore,there are up to 60~80 hairs in each pore.The fur is so thick that parasites, such as fleas,cannot live in.The mammals instinctively clean their fur by taking dust baths, in which they roll around in special dust made of fine pumice. In the wild, the dust is formed from fine, ground volcanic rocks. The dust gets into their fur and absorbs oil and dirt. Chinchillas do not bathe in water because the dense fur prevents air-drying, retaining moisture close to the skin, which can cause fungus growth or fur rot. In the Occident,chinchillas are well known just because of their ultra-soft and velvet-like fur,which can be made into noble fur clothing.For reasons of over-hunting,more predators, low reproduction rate and so on,by the end of the 19th century, the chinchilla had been an endangered species,to the verge of extinction.Nowadays,wild chinchillas only exist in Chile,and most chinchillas currently used by the fur industry for clothing and other accessories are farm-raised.生活在东方国家,你也许还不知道栗鼠,但你可能记得龙猫,《隔壁的特特罗》,一部你小时候看过的日本卡通片,其实,龙猫特特罗是只栗鼠,一种有些象兔子的哺乳动物 。
栗鼠原产于南美洲安第斯山脉,生活在高海拔(高达15,000英尺/4,270米)岩石峭壁的洞穴中 。这种动物善于跳跃,能跳到1.8米高 。
在自然界中,它们以植物叶子、果实、种子以及小昆虫为食 。它们的牙齿持续生长,所以栗鼠经常磨牙 。
这种啮齿动物的孕期为111天,它每年仅能产崽两个左右 。栗鼠皮肤上有大量毛孔,而且,每个毛孔有多达60~80根毛,如此稠密的毛,致使跳蚤之类的寄生虫无法在其中生存 。
这种哺乳动物本能地通过尘浴来清洁皮毛,它们在细微的、地面特殊的火山浮石形成的沙尘中打滚,浮尘得以进入皮毛吸走油脂和污垢,栗鼠不在水中洗澡,因为致密的皮毛会阻止风干,存留其中的潮气会导致霉菌生长或皮毛腐烂 。在西方国家,栗鼠很有名,正是因为它们极软的、天鹅绒一般的皮毛,可以制成高贵的皮草(裘皮)服装 。