
【11点40用英语怎么写】eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thiety-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty
2.10点40用英语怎么说10点40用英语表示为:forty past ten。
其中forty的英式发音为[?f?:ti],美式发音为[?f?:rti],意思有:四十,四十几,四十的 。拓展资料forty past1、The prime site of nostalgia is always whatever happened, or is thought to have happened, in the decade between forty and fifty years past. 人们怀旧的主要场景一般都是那些发生或是我们以为发生在四五十年之前的情景 。
2、He could walk forty miles a day in the past. 过去他一天能走四十里 。(具备这种能力,但不一定实际去做 。)
3、I'll leave home at seven forty and reach the office at half past eight. 我会在7:40离开家,8点半到办公室 。4、Forty Chinese EFL ( English as a foreign language) learners were presented with the target structure ( English past unreal conditional sentences) under three learning conditions that varied in the degree of attentional demands ( rule-searching, rule-explanation, and enhanced conditions). 四十名受试分别在三种注意力要求强度不同的条件下学习英语虚拟条件句的过去时态,包括规则搜索组,规则解释组,和视觉加强组 。
5、Modern novels focus on the fictions of "the May Fourth Movement" period, thirty or forty times Beijing school writer and Northeastern writer group, while Contemporary Literature concentrates on the simple description to the current situation in the past 20 years. 现代文学着重对五四时期,三四十年代京派作家和东北作家群的创作进行分析,当代文学中主要对近二十年来的现状进行简单描述 。
It's twenty to eleven.
It's ten forty.
Two to two to two two.

