
1.“宝贝,我永远爱你”英文怎么写【永远爱你宝贝英文怎么写】宝贝,我永远爱你的英文翻译是Baby, I love you forever.
1. I will luve thee still, my dear.
2. I love you forever -- in all changes, in all disgrace, because you are yourself!
我要爱你爱到底儿 -- 不管你变了什么样子, 不管你栽了多少跟头,我都要一样地爱你, 因为你永远是你呀!
3. ANTHONY I love you too darling, now and forever.
我也爱你,亲爱的, 现在直到永远.
4. Blair: What you said before, I love you too, always always will.
布莱尔: 对于你之前说的, 我也爱你, 一直是,永远会.
5. I love you. Mum. I always have. Always will.
我爱你. 妈妈. 我一直爱着你. 我将永远爱你.
Baby, I love you forever, whole life loves your a person
相信我!天长地久的爱情将从此刻开始 我会爱你到海枯石烂
Believe me!The love of everlasting will from now on engrave to begin me will love you to the seas dry up and rocks crumble