
1.老人用英语怎么说老人的英文:elder; old man or woman; the aged; the old
elder 读法 英 ['eld?(r)] 美 ['eld?r]
1、作形容词的意思是: 年龄较大的;年长的
1、entreat elder 恳求长辈 , 对付年长者
2、exhort elder 规劝年长者
3、gather elders 召集长辈
【一个老人用英语怎么写】4、grieve elder 使长辈伤心 , 使年长者悲痛
5、heed elder 关心年长者 , 关注长辈
1、elder作名词时 , 单数形式表示“两个人中年龄较大的人” , 其前常加定冠词 。引申表示“长辈”“先辈” , 指年迈而又有权威的人 , 用于具体的人时 , 其前加物主代词 , 泛指时常用复数形式 。
2、elder当表示“二人之中年龄较大者”时 , 多用one's elder的形式 , 如要比较二人年龄的大小 , 不能与than连用 , 要用be the elder of sb 结构 。
3、elder是old的比较级形式之一 , 但已失去比较意义 , 成为定语形容词 , 表示兄弟姐妹中或两个指明的人中较年长者 。
4、the elder可用于人名前后 , 以区别于同姓名的年龄较小者 , 可译为“老…” 。
1、ape the elders 模仿长辈
2、appeal elders 向长辈求助 , 引起长者的兴趣
3、assemble elder 调查年长者
4、burlesque elder 嘲弄年长者
5、consult elder 请教长辈 , 与年长者商量
2.用英文 描述一位老人My GrandfatherMy grandfather died about three years ago. But his behaviour, his spirit and his care for me, are still in my mind.My grandfather was a doctor. He had many good ways to treat diseases. He worked with a strong sense of responsibility. One day, Grandpa had a high fever, groaning in bed. But when he learned a patient needed treating, he got up with great difficulty and began to examine the patient carefully. When we saw sweat drop down from his forehead, our eyes were full of tears.My grandfather not only worked hard, but also took good care of me. When I was very young, I lived with him. Every time I got good marks, a big smile would appear on his face. If I met with some difficulty, he would say,“Don't lose heart, Xiao You. Try your best. I'm sure you will succeed. Encouraged by his words, I kept making progress in my studies. I loved him and respected him too.One day, Grandfather was taken to hospital because of a serious illness. He didn't allow Mum to take me to see him until the day before his death. But when I got there, he could hardly open his mouth. He only stared at me. After some time he said with great difficulty,“Be…a good…person.”These were the last words that he had said to me. I nodded in tears.The next day, he died. I can't see him any more. Dear Grandpa, I will remember your words and be a good person. 。
3.印象深刻的一个老人英语作文old people are very lonely. I have three methods for this question. Firstly, young people should communicate to old people. They should exchange their ideas. Then they can understand each other more easily. The old people may be happier.
Secondly, old people also should understand young people's pressure. They should know why the young people can't talk with them.
Finally, society also should hold some activities for old people. To protect their life more colorful and greater!