孔雀的英语怎么写( 二 )

He refused to bow to the demands of the "censor-morons" as he had for the publication of his first novel, The White Peacock. 大厅里 , 观光游客对艺术作品惊奇不已:山顶和庙宇的幻想曲;黄金孔雀彩饰尾 。In the lobby, tourists marvel at the artwork: giant fantasias of peaks and temples; gold peacocks with spreading enamel tails. 然而我很好奇的是他家人在他的脚踝周围画上孔雀羽毛状的图案作为护身符 , 这是另外一个传统方法 , 用来以防万一的 。
I was intrigued however to spot the amulet of peacock feathers his family had placed around his ankle, another traditional cure for snake bite, just in case. 没有半只鸡腿 , 孔雀脖子 , 连犰狳尾巴都没半根 。Not one chicken leg, peacock neck or armadillo tail was left. 他的标志作品是孔雀 , 他受到19世纪风向标的启发为来自全国的客户定制该作品 。
His trademark peacock, which he custom builds for clients across the country, was inspired by a 19th century weathervane. 这个美丽的螺旋状星系位于孔雀星座以南 , 它看起来完全就是我们的银河系的翻版 , 但却有它的两倍大 。The beautiful spiral galaxy, located in the southern constellation Pavo (The Peacock), is a virtual copy of our own Milky Way, though about twice as big. 赫拉是众神中最美丽的女神 , 她的象征是孔雀和母牛 。
Hera is the most beautiful of the immortals. Her symbols were the peacock and the cow. 支持阿宝的是师傅和盖世五侠 , 而反对他的是一只叫做沈领主的白孔雀 。Backing Po is master Shifu and the Furious Five, while against him is the emperor albino peacock Lord Shen. 这本书就其本身而言就是一部艺术品:封面以皮革包裹 , 并修饰着宝石镶嵌的孔雀 , 花纹图案则用金箔纸装饰 。
This book is a work of art in and of itself: the cover is bound in leather, features a jewel-encrusted peacock on the front, and is emblazoned with gold leaf. 等待她去赴约的大卫王在远处城堡上隐隐可见 , 象征骄傲的孔雀在她房间的角落 。The waiting David is faintly visible in a distant tower. The peacock of pride broods in a corner of her room. 在文艺片《孔雀》中的出色表演使得张静初名声大振 , 极强的可塑性使得她有机会可以与不同的导演合作 。
Zhang Jingchu's amazing acting in the literary film “Peacock” catapulted her to fame and her strong malleability generated opportunities to cooperate with diverse directors. 过去在英格兰对孔雀的研究中认为 , 眼状斑点斑暗示着雄性成功交配的机会 。Eyespots seemed a good predictor of a male's chances of success in past studies of peafowl in England. 基本原理没有因孔雀的例子而受到怀疑 。
【孔雀的英语怎么写】Basic principles aren't in doubt for the peacock exemplar. 耍酷类:这类人是典型的“孔雀” , 很注意形象 , 爱喝瓶装啤酒或者苹果汁 。