
Follow these simple instructions to create a flawless ORLY French Manicure:
1. Apply a basecoat to prime nails. ORLY recommends BONDER rubberized basecoat to grip
lacquer to nails.
2. Paint the nail tip or free edge with ORLY WHITE TIPS or POINTE BLANCHE bonding
white tip lacquer to form a half moon. Pointe Blanche contains a special precision
brush for easy application. Let dry.
3. Cover entire nail with a sheer coat of ORLY French Manicure nail lacquer.
4. To finish, apply MAGNIFIQUE topcoat to seal the nail color. This special French
Manicure topcoat contains special optical brighteners that will maintain the
vibrance and durability of your French Manicure.
指甲拔出器 nail remover
指甲白色修正笔nail whitening pencil
指甲保养nail maintenance; nail care
指甲保养品 nail care products
指甲边缘 nail fringe
指甲表面 nail surface
指甲长度nail lengh
指甲锉刀nail file
指甲分割剪刀nail-splitting scissors
指甲根部表皮 cuticle
指甲光亮剂nail lightener
指甲光泽剂 nail polish
指甲红 nail pink
修甲师 美甲师 nail cultivator
指甲加长 nail extension
指甲剪 nail scissors
指甲胶 tip glue
指甲亮光油 luminescent nail polish
指甲流行时尚 nail fashion
指甲美容 美甲nail cosmetology
指甲面不平 uneven nail surface
指甲模型 nail matrix
指甲磨光器 nail polisher
指甲漂白剂 nail bleaching agent
指甲钳 nail edge cutter; Nail pliers
指甲强化剂 nail hardener; Nail strengthener
指甲去除 nail excision
指甲柔软器 cuticle softener
指甲护理乳液 nail lotion
指甲样式设计 nail design
指甲刷 nail brush
指甲霜 nail cream
指甲套 nail wrap
指甲脱落 nail separation
指甲脱水剂 nail dehydrator
指甲香油 nail balsam
指甲修复 nail repair
指甲修剪工具 cuticle clippers; Cuticle remover; nail clippers
指甲颜色 nail color
指甲艺术 nail art
指甲油 nail varnish
指甲油底色 nail primer
指甲油去除剂 nail polish remover
指甲粘合剂 nail cement
指尖 nail fingertip
指节 knuckle
指距 span

