1."让我成为你的解药"英文怎么写to be sth's antidote=针对sth的解药 = = 如果那样说,就是说对方是毒药了 。
【解药的英文怎么写】这样比较好:Let me become the antidote for you.
Let me become your remedy.(没错,antidote之外的词没有那个限制,因为“anti”太有针对性了 。)
Let me become the remedy for you.
Let me become your cure.
Let me become the cure for you.
2.各种毒药英文名称甲磺酸去铁铵 Deferoxamine
甲磺酸去铁胺 Deferoxamine
甲稀蓝 Methylthionine Chloride
解氟灵 Acetamide
解磷定 Pyraloxime Iodide
解铅乐 Calcium Disodium Edetate
解砷灵 Sodium Dimercaptosulphonate
精制抗蛇毒血清 Purified Antivenin Serum
精制抗眼镜蛇血清 Naja Antivenin
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