祝福卡的英文怎么写( 二 )

我祝你旅行愉快!Je vous souhaite un bon voyage/séjour!
晚安!Bonne nuit!
好梦!Fais de bonnes rêve!
4.写贺卡用英文怎么生日贺卡:只有知道如何生活的,可以欣赏鲜花盛开的唯一的人谁知道如何去爱,可以领略到心中的芬芳,希望你有一个特别的生日 。
Only know how to live, can enjoy flowers in full bloom the only person who knows how to love, to enjoy the fragrance of the heart, hope you have a special birthday.教师节贺卡:中国古人云:“师如父母”,这充分体现了中华民族“尊师爱师”的传统美德,也体现了老师“爱生如子”的高尚师德 。人们把老师比做“慈母“,主要是对那些有着”“童心母爱”的女老师给予的最亲切的、最真挚、最感人的尊称 。
“爱是一缕金色的阳光 。”我国现代文学家鲁迅说:“教育是植根于爱的 。”
教师对学生的爱,表现在毫无保留地奉献出自己的精力、热情、才能和知识,使学生更好地受到教育,在知识上、精神上和品德上取得最好的结果 。教师应该称为教育家,而教育家也就是人类灵魂工程师 。
人们赞美教师就象春蚕一样“吐尽心中万缕丝,奉献人生无限爱,默默无闻无所图,织就锦绣暖人间” 。“春蚕”是广大教师感到无比荣耀的称谓 。
【祝福卡的英文怎么写】春蚕冰清玉洁,气质高贵;春蚕食几茎绿叶,吐一片锦绣;春蚕生命不息,吐丝不止……春蚕这些优秀的品质,只有光荣的人民教师才无愧于这样的称谓 。人们把老师比作“春雨”,把学生比作“春苗”,春苗需要春雨去浇灌 。
我们的老师就如那绵绵的春雨,用播洒的爱去滋润学生的心田,用丰富知识去开启学生的智慧,用优秀的人格去潜移默化培育学生的品德,用无私的奉献精神去熏陶学生的心灵 。广大教师甘化春雨润蓓蕾的高尚情操,为“春雨”的成为增添了无限光彩 。
现在人们把教师比作是“人梯”--“那些为别人的成功,而作出自我牺牲,无私奉献的人”,人们把教师称作“人梯”,正式因为光荣的人民教师具备了这样优秀的品质和精神 。广大的人民教师辛勤到耕耘在教育事业的园地,他们不图名,不图利,不图回报,默默无闻地教书育人,兢兢业业地培育人才 。
而那些考上大学,走向成功,扬名立万的学生,无一不是踩在老师的肩膀上,以老师为人梯向上攀登到达人生的高峰 。他们虽然生活清苦,却情系祖国未来,心联学子之心;虽是一烛微火,却燃尽自己,照亮别人 。
正是有了这些默默无闻的老师对这些莘莘学子的爱护和培养,才有了今天千千万万个不同岗位上人才发光发热 。也正是有了这些辛勤的园丁的工作,才使得现在许许多多的成功人士在正确的引导下和自己的努力下有了今天辉煌的成就,在这些成功人士的背后,除了要感谢父母和朋友外,难道不应该感谢一下辛苦培养过教育过发现和鼓励过我们的老师们吗? “落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花 。
这是牺牲自己带来希望的奉献者的爱 。” 敬爱的老师,时空的流转把我与您之间的距离越拉越大,但对您思念的新却永远不会改变!如春风拂过百花齐放!如艳阳普照硕果累累!您的引领,使我从小插上理想的翅膀 。
不管明天会怎样 。还是从心底说声:“感谢您 。”
您如一叶扁舟,载着我驶向知识的海洋.China the ancients cloud: "if parents", which fully embodies the "in love" teacher of the Chinese nation's traditional virtue, also reflected the teachers "love life" as the noble virtue. People take the teacher as "mother", mainly for those who have "" childishness mother love" the female teacher give the most gracious, the most sincere, the most emotional coward."Love is a ray of golden light." Modern Chinese writer lu xun said: "education is rooted in love." Teachers love students, performance in without reservation to dedicate his energy, enthusiasm, talent and knowledge, makes students better education, on the intellectual, spiritual and moral achieve the best results. Teachers should be referred to as educators and educators also is human soul engineer. People praise the teacher is like a silkworm "vomit heart all wire strands, dedicated life infinite love, obscure without figure, woven splendid warm human". "" is the general teachers feel very glorious title. Silkworm and pure, noble character; Spring encroach on a few green leaves, stem vomit a splendid; Produce silk silkworm where there is life, there is more than 。Silkworm these good quality, only the glorious people's teacher is worthy of this title.Teachers are compared to "spring rain", compared the students to "green shoots", green shoots need rain to water. Our teacher like the continuous rain, students with spread love to moisten hearts, with rich knowledge to open the wisdom of the students, with a good personality to gradually cultivate students' moral character, with selfless dedication to edify the students' mind. Teachers GanHua spring rain embellish buds of noble sentiment, as "spring rain" be added infinite brilliance.Now people compare teachers to is "human" - "for the success of others, and self sacrifice, and selfless dedication of the people", teachers have come to be known as "human 。