1.考试舞弊申诉书怎么写违纪学生在接到处分通知后,对处分决定有异议,可以自接到处理决定之日起5个工作日内(由于特殊原因处分决定文件无法送交违纪学生本人的,以学校公布之日算起),向学生申诉处理委员会提出书面申诉,学生申诉处理委员会在接到违纪学生书面申诉书之日起,15个工作日内进行复查并向违纪学生作出答复 。违纪学生对复查决定有异议的,在接到学校复查决定书之日起15个工作日内,可以向省教育厅提出书面申诉 。
从处分决定或者复查决定送交之日起,违纪学生在申诉期内未提出申诉的,学校不再受理其提出的申诉 。
家庭住址:**号(你的通信地址)电话:********(便于及时与你联系) 。
申诉请求:请求撤销(重新复议)***校**字**号《关于**“考试作弊”处理决定书》 。
申请人*** (亲笔签名)
2.这段话怎么翻译In this morning's exam, I answered in the paper all the questions that I was able to answer, failing to go over the answered questions,and then I went to take a sleep face down on the desk, which all went through till the end of the exam. As a matter of fact, I did look about / around me ------forward, to the left,to the right and backward, for example. in the 1.5 hour period. Now I am made to know that it wasn't sth that the exam rules would permit as being forbidden though I didn't at all on purpose try to get the others' answers to the questions. 。
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