
1.“中国结”英语怎么说Chinese knotting 中国结
Chinese knotting is a decorative handicraft art that began as a form of Chinese folk art in the Tang and Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD) in China. The art is also referred to as Chinese traditional decorative knots. In other cultures, it is known as "Decorativeknots".
中国结是一种自唐宋时期开始兴起的民俗艺术,也被称为中国传统绳结艺术 。在其他国家,类似的工艺品称为装饰性绳结 。
2.关于中国结的英语作文Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy. To a different node decorated with each other together, or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix, regarding the formation of a Chinese knot. It is the mathematical mystery of the game show. The complex has a graceful curve, but it can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines. It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect.
中国结,每一个结从头到尾都是用一根丝线编结而成,每一个基本结又根据其形、意命名 。把不同的结饰互相结合在一起,或用其它具有吉祥图案的饰物搭配组合,就形成了中国结 。它是数学奥秘的游戏呈现 。有着复杂曼妙的曲线,却可以还原成最单纯的二维线条 。它身上所显示的情致与智慧正是中华古老文明中的一个侧面 。
3.中国结(英文介绍)The Chinese knot was originally knotted by the sewing clothes of the paleolithic age.(中国结原本是由旧石器时代的缝衣打结 。)
After the extension to the han dynasty ceremony records, and then evolved into today's decorative crafts.(后推展至汉朝的仪礼记事,再演变成今日的装饰手艺 。)People in the zhou dynasty wore jade, often decorated with Chinese knot.(周朝人随身的佩戴玉常以中国结为装饰 。)
And the bronze wares of the warring states period also have the pattern of Chinese knot.(而战国时代的铜器上也有中国结的图案 。)It was not until the qing dynasty that the Chinese knot became a popular folk art.(延续至清朝中国结才真正成为了盛传于民间的艺术 。)
Contemporary use decorates the gift gift between indoor, relatives and friends and personal carry on decorations more.(当代多用来装饰室内、亲友间的馈赠礼物及个人的随身饰物 。)Because of its symmetrical and delicate appearance, it can represent China's long history.(因为其外观对称精致,可以代表中国悠久的历史 。)
The custom that accords with Chinese traditional adornment and aesthetic idea, reason is named Chinese knot.(符合中国传统装饰的习俗和审美观念,故命名为中国结 。)扩展资料中国结种类:1,双钱结双钱结又称金钱结或双金线结,即是以两个古铜钱状相连而得名,象征"好事成双" 。
古时钱又称为泉,与"全"同间,可寓意为"双全" 。2,龙形结本结可单独与其他结式相搭配,构成吉祥而美丽的图案,如双龙抢珠、苍龙教子等 。
或以龙形结当胸针、摆饰均可 。参考资料来源:百度百科-中国结 。
4.中国结的外观要怎么用英语表达出来啊The appearance of Chinese knot.单是这句话是这样翻译的,不过我想你需要的是用英语介绍中国结的外观:
The characteristic of Chinese Knot is that every knot is made of a single rope and named by its specific form and meaning. By combining different knots or other auspicious adornmentsskillfully, an unique auspicious ornament which represents beauty, idea and wishes is formed.
5.一篇介绍中国结的英语作文Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy. To a different node decorated with each other together, or other accessories with auspicious patterns mix, regarding the formation of a Chinese knot. It is the mathematical mystery of the game show. The complex has a graceful curve, but it can be reduced to the simple 2-D lines. It shows him with the wisdom of the Qing Zhi is the ancient Chinese civilization in one aspect.